Denver Fights Racism By Giving Columbus Park New Racist Name ‘La Raza’

Christopher Columbus has been determined by leftist losers to be racist and summarily canceled across the country. In Denver the leftist city council wanted to get rid of the “racist” name of Columbus Park, so they changed it to “La Raza” Park, which means “the race.” Unlike Columbus, who is only make-believe racist, “La Raza” is racially exclusionary and promotes the racial superiority of Hispanics. Good job, Denver.

The Hill reports:

Denver city government officials on Monday voted to rename Columbus Park as La Raza Park.

The Denver City Council passed the change unanimously…

Those in favor of the change argued that the renaming served as a long overdue correction after the park was originally named after Christopher Columbus. Columbus has, for some, become a symbol of colonialism and violence against Indigenous people in North America in recent decades.

“‘La raza’ is a word of unity and about celebrating community,” said Councilwoman Amanda Sandoval, who proposed the name change.

“La raza” is two words actually, and it literally translates as “the race.” That race is Spanish-speaking people (Latino, Hispanic, Chicano, etc…), which is not a race at all but a collection of similar ethnicities. In any case, “la raza” is used to promote the racial superiority of Hispanics, and more specifically Mexicans, which is anything but unifying. It excludes all other races, ethnicities, and people.

To put that into perceptive, imagine if there was a group calling themselves “The Race” who promoted the idea of the racial superiority of Western Europeans. That would be seen as pretty damn racist. Now that I think about it, didn’t the Nazis call themselves “the master race?” How is “la raza” any different?

No one on the Denver city council was asked to address this issue, but Arturo Gonzalez, a retired Chicano studies professor, did try to justify the name change with pure nonsense:

“Mexican Chicanos and Indigenous peoples have suffered genocide over the last 500 years. We live with that trauma. We continue to live with that trauma,” said Gonzalez.

Mexicans and indigenous people have never suffered genocide and we know this is true because there are still plenty of Mexicans and indigenous people. Genocide is the deliberate wiping out of a particular group of people or ethnicity. To my knowledge no one has ever been successfully genocided. Attempted genocide is another thing.

Also there have been no attempted genocides on Mexicans or indigenous people.

If that seems like a stupid reason to strip Christopher Columbus’ name from the park, and it is, this is even dumber. From News9:

The Denver park name change comes in the wake of racial justice protests spurred nationally by the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody. The movement has reignited calls to take down monuments to white supremacy, Confederate sympathizers and slave owners. In fact, Gov. Jared Polis has since formed an advisory board to explore the renaming of geographical features and public spaces in Colorado.

So a black guy in Minnesota dies from a drug overdose and that means a park in Colorado has to be given a new racist name to pander to Mexicans? I find liberal logic to be quite confusing.

And that’s what has been applied here: liberal logic. In order to fight the make-believe racism of Christopher Columbus, Denver has deployed the real racism of racial supremacy with “la raza.” You can’t fight fire with fire and you don’t stop racism by being racist.