Lunatic Thinks Joe Biden Is ‘Black Santa’ Sent To Punish Trump Supporters

Trump Derangement Syndrome was the absolutely insane way liberals reacted to a Republican being elected President of the United States. Now that Joe Biden has successfully stolen the White House for democrats, TDS sufferers are coming down with a case BES, Biden Enthrallment Syndrome, which is an absolutely insane need to kiss Joe Biden’s ass. One such lunatic thinks that Crazy Joe is “Black Santa Claus” who has been sent here to punish Trump supporters.

Michale Harriot is the most racist writer at the racist black website The Root. Recently he tried writing a metaphorical piece about Joe Biden’s election theft called: Newly Elected Black Santa Could Leave Millions Giftless

Harriot informed readers that there had been a regime change at the North Pole:

Although many people stupidly assume one person has run the outfit for thousands of years, the position has gone through many different Santas-in-chief. This year, for the first time, elves have selected a Black Santa to replace the outgoing Saint Nick. While decidedly less rotund, the new head of operations, Ahmad Reel Nicholas, is known for his infectious jolliness as well as his impeccable beard game. Of course, there are some elves who refuse to accept the new Santa. But the “Stop the Sleigh” movement won’t change the outcome of the elves decision.

“The last guy was utterly incompetent,” an unnamed elf told The Root. “He wanted to build a wall around the North Pole and spent most of his time playing golf at his resort, Mar-a-Igloo. Of course, he claims that the election was stolen and is even trying to subvert the final decision of the Elf-toral College.”

Clearly the outgoing Santa is supposed to represent Donald Trump and the new Santa is Joe Biden, which means that this lunatic writer thinks the whitest most racist man in politics is “Black Santa” with a Muslim name. Also, for some reason Mrs. Claus is “LaKeisha Claus” who has a “commitment to diversity and inclusion” and is supposed to represent Kamala Harris. I guess if Joe Biden can be a black Muslim Santa, Kamaltoe can be his wife.

In any case, Black Santa’s Christmas agenda is to make anyone who supported MAGA Santa pay and reward everyone who rioted and looted this year as noted by this updated “naughty or nice” list criteria:

  • Ignoring racism now an act of “naughtiness”: Even if you didn’t call someone the n-word or discriminate against someone, the selection committee will consider everyone who was silent in the face of white supremacy as complicit.

  • MAGAmuffins get coal: Any American who owns a MAGA hat or voted for Donald Trump will receive a lump of Kingsford Original charcoal. Those who attended rallies will get Match Light brand and have their stocking placed closer to the fireplace.

  • Black Lives Matter policy: All peaceful Black Lives Matter rally attendees will be placed on a priority list for the Playstation 5. Boogaloo Boys, Proud Boys and manboy Tucker Carlson will get a free Switch—not the one made by Nintendo; the one that is manufactured by bushes.

  • Anti-Maskers: Santa will not visit the homes of anyone who believe that not wearing a mask is a constitutional right. However, they will receive a special gift—the coronavirus.

In addition, Black Santa sent an e-mail detailing his focus on wokeness:

In spite of the Trump administration’s denial of our application to the Personal Paycheck Program, we are dedicated to bringing joy and happiness to the world. But in light of recent events, we decided that we could no longer ignore the injustices and inequality around the globe.

While we decided to shift our focus to the Black children who face economic, political and social oppression every day, white children will still recieve the greatest gift of all:

White privilege.

My people perish for a lack of presents.

4 years of TDS has driven liberals into the insane idea that Joe Biden is the savior of mankind. To be clear, Biden has done absolutely nothing in his nearly 50 years in Washington, and that’s when he had all or most of his marbles. Now that he’s mentally incapacitated, he will do less than nothing, especially for the black community.

If blacks were disappointed with Obama’s inaction, they will be devastated when “Black Santa” fails to deliver, especially now that they have their lips firmly planted on his wrinkly old white racist ass.