Liberal Actor/Comedian David Cross Demands Blood From Trump Supporters

Joe Biden has said he will unite the country and heal the nation by reaching out to Trump supporters. This of course is a lie like everything else he says and liberals know it. Lefty actor/comedian David Cross has met Biden’s fake call for unity by demanding blood from Trump supporters.

Def-Con News has written about Joe Biden’s Mind-Control Propaganda Twitter in which, day after day, week after week, he keeps sending the same basic messages to hypnotize people. This was his most recent “unity” tweet:

David Cross (Google him if you need to) obviously fell under Biden’s spell because this was his reaction:

Cross faced massive backlash on Twitter for this, but because he thinks he’s a comedian, he tried to be funny with it instead of admitting he’s a piece of human shit:

It’s a good thing Cross is a liberal Hollywood Z-lister or that last one might have been interpreted a misogynist and a hate crime against women.

Many on Twitter noted that Cross is not exactly a physical threat and invited him to actually try to come get some blood from Trump supporters:

Cross then fell back to his liberal projection by accusing everyone else of being horrible like he really is:

Cross didn’t share any tweets from “MAGA chuds” calling for the deaths of Biden supporters, but mostly because there aren’t any. The left has a patent of being violently shitty and they won’t license it out to anyone who isn’t a liberal crybaby bitch.

Cross tried once again to dismiss this with what he thinks is humor:

This guy is as funny as he is handsome. In fact, I found one of his other “jokes” unrelated to his bloodlust to demonstrate what a comedic talent he is:

It’s like he thinks there’s a way to be funny by being as unfunny as possible. I can assure him that science has proven this is an impossibility. It’s like trying to have a full head of hair by going bald. Oh wait, he does that too.

All this proves is that Trump Derangement Syndrome is a permanent condition. Joe Biden steeling the White House hasn’t made leftists any less crazy or violent. Perhaps it wasn’t Trump who caused this after all and liberals are just miserable shitty people.