Michelle Obama Demands That Trump Be Banned From Social Media For Life

Like everyone else on the left, Michelle Obama is freaking out over the Capitol protests yesterday, calling them racist because not enough Trump supporters died. Unlike the rest of the left however, the former first lady has a solution: ban Donald Trump from social media for life. How does that solve make-believe racism? It’s hard to say, but it is a liberal plan so it’s not supposed to make sense.

Here’s the problem, according to Michelle Obama:

“Like all of you, I watched as a gang – organized, violent, and mad that they’d lost an election – laid siege to the United States Capitol. They set up gallows. They proudly waved the traitorous flag of the Confederacy through the halls. They desecrated the center of American government. And once authorities finally gained control of the situation, these rioters and gang members were led out of the building not in handcuffs, but free to carry on in their days,” wrote Michelle.

Well, 4 Trump supporters died and over 70 people were arrested, but whatever.

Michelle sees a stark contrast between her made-up version of what happened at the Capitol and her made-up version of the months-long George Floyd riots:

“This summer’s Black Lives Matter protests were an overwhelmingly peaceful movement – our nation’s largest demonstrations ever, bringing together people of every race and class and encouraging millions to re-examine their own assumptions and behavior. And yet, in city after city, day after day, we saw peaceful protesters met with brute force. We saw cracked skulls and mass arrests, law enforcement pepper spraying its way through a peaceful demonstration,” Michelle wrote.

She certainly has a vidid imagination, doesn’t she? The only thing I saw during the Summer of Food riots was city after city burned to the ground. Day after day, I saw small businesses looted and destroyed. I saw random people assaulted, property destroyed, and people killed by Antifa and BLM terrorists.

But since Michelle Obama has such a creative mind, she has come up with a solution to whatever she thinks the problem is here:

“Seeing the gulf between the responses to yesterday’s riot and this summer’s peaceful protests  and the larger movement for racial justice is so painful. It hurts,” wrote Michelle.

Luckily Michelle has some racial grievance painkillers on hand:

“Now is the time for the people who voted for this president to see the reality of what they’ve supported – and publicly and forceful rebuke him and the actions of that mob. Now is the time for Silicon Vally companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior – and go even further than they already have by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection,” Michelle wrote.

So non-existent racism in crowd-control tactics will disappear if Trump gets banned from all social media platforms for life? Again, I don’t understand how this works, but liberals think all kinds of crazy stuff like killing babies saves lives and fashion choices can alter biology.

Actual, now that I think about, all liberal solutions involve stripping people of their rights. Here Michelle Obama wants Trump and his supporters censored and silenced and is using fictitious racism to make it happen.