Capitol ‘Riots’ Distract From Georgia’s Stolen Run-Off Election

Last week democrats pulled off another theft in the Georgia run-off election that gave them effective control of the Senate. Thankfully a bunch of knuckleheads ran around the Capitol for a couple hours and the ensuing fake outrage has taken all focus off of election grand larceny that took place.

In the Georgia run-off last week, democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock were declared winners over Republicans David Purdue and Kelly Loeffler. Those wins give democrats 50 Senators and, with vice president Kamala Harris acting as the tie-breaker, control of the Senate. Like the presidential election, there are some serious issues with the numbers that have given democrats the “win.”

First, about a half a million less people voted in Georgia’s run-off than did in the state’s November election. Lower voter turn-out means less votes for democrats. That’s not my opinion, it’s a fact, and yet the democrats somehow prevailed.

Then, look at this:

In November Purdue beat Ossoff by 88,098 votes and it went to a run-off.

In the January run-off Ossoff beat Purdue by 50,658 votes and somehow the democrat is the winner.

How does Ossoff get to be the winner when he won by less than he lost in the first race?


In November, Warnock got 1,617,035 votes.

But in the January run-off Warnock got 2,281, 671 votes.

How does the democrat pick up 664,636 votes in an election in which 500,000 less people voted?

Plus why don’t the numbers match up?

Ossoff (2,262,523) – Purdue (2,211,865)

Warnock (2,281,671) – Loeffler (2,192,776)

There were only 2 races on the ballot so shouldn’t the votes for democrats and Republicans be almost or exactly the same?

19,148 more people voted for democrat Warnock than voted for democrat Ossoff.

19,089 more people voted for Republican Purdue than voted for Republican Loeffler?

Those numbers are pretty close so we have to assume that around 20,000 Georgia voters split the ticket and voted for Republican Purdue but democrat Warnock and that makes no sense in this hyper-politicized and polarized election.

The most damning numbers however, are these:

In November, democrat Joe Biden “won” the state by only 11,780 votes.

In the January run off, democrat Ossoff “won” by 50,658 votes.

In the January run-off, democrat Warnock “won” by 88,895 votes.

Again, there were half a million less voters in the run-off than the November election, which means less votes for democrats and yet somehow the democrats picked up tens of thousands more votes. Where did all of these new democratic voters come from in the span of 2 months?

If something smells like shit, 99.9% of the time it’s because it is shit. The numbers in Georgia’s run-off election are suspicious and chances are it’s because there was fraud.

Luckily for the democrats, all focus is in the Capitol “riots” and not the highly suspect Georgia special election. It’s almost like they created a diversion to distract people from looking critically at their latest election theft. I suspect the show impeachment of President Trump will be a further distraction, just long enough to get the 2 illegitimate Georgia Senators sworn in.

Pay no attention to the hijacking of a democratic process because a dude in a Buffalo hat may have taken a dump in Nancy Pelosi’s office.