Biden Administration Orders ‘Stand Down’ To Purge Military Of ‘White Supremacist’ Trump Supporters

I’ve read 10 different stories on this, plus a Google search, and I can’t find a satisfactory explanation for what a “military stand down” is. Maybe one of our veteran readers can enlighten me on this. In the context of this story, a ‘stand down” appears to be a simple purge of members of our military who liberals think are racist right-wing extremists. The Biden administration has ordered this stand down to rid the military of white supremacy, AKA Trump supporters.

The NY Post reports that the Great Purge of 2021 has moved from social media to our nation’s military:

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a “stand down” of the entire US military over the next 60 days in order for commanders to address “extremism” in its ranks.

News of the military-wide pause came in an announcement Wednesday from the Pentagon, with press secretary John Kirby describing the move to reporters as similar to stand downs that units have to do to address safety concerns.

Austin issued the order following a meeting about the issue with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley, as well as service civilian leaders and service chiefs.

While the is supposed to be a purge of “extremists” it’s actually one for Trump supporters:

The group also discussed last month’s Capitol riot, Kirby said, noting the presence of veterans and active-duty service members at the shocking scene. They left the meeting still uncertain of how to fully address the problem.

According to Kirby, the riot was “a wake-up call” for the entire department.

And those Trump supporting troops are deemed white supremacists according to the new administration. Here’s what Biden’s Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, had to say recently at his confirmation hearings:

“We also owe our people a working environment free of discrimination, hate and harassment. If confirmed, I will fight hard to stamp out sexual assault, to rid our ranks of racists and extremists, and to create a climate where everyone fit and willing has the opportunity to serve this country with dignity,” said Austin, adding, “The job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our enemies. But we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own ranks.”

There’s been an awful lot of talk from democrats about “the enemy within” lately.

The Military Times added this detail, showing what this is all about:

Kirby told reporters on Jan. 28 that the FBI opened 143 investigations into troops and veterans in 2020, 68 of those for domestic extremism.

WTAF? is “domestic extremism?” “Domestic violence” and “domestic terrorism” are physical acts, so “domestic extremism” must be having a personal opinion that conflicts with those who are in power.

As democrat Steve Cohen defined recently, domestic extremism in the military is anyone who voted for Trump:

Putting this all together: Biden’s Secretary of Defense has ordered a stand down to purge the military of Trump supporters because democrats believe the act of voting for Trump makes people white supremacist extremists who are a danger to this country.

The next step is to purge America of the 75 million people who voted for Trump, which will be easier to do with a military that has been purged of Trump supporters. Then again, who will be left in the military to carry out this purge?