It’s Clear – Since the 2020 Election – Joe Biden and His Gang Are Scared to Death of Facing the American People

After stealing the 2020 Presidential election, Joe Biden and his gang are scared to death of the American people as reported by Joe Hoft on Gateway Pundit.

It’s evident for anyone with half a brain and eyes to see that Joe Biden didn’t win the 2020 election for President. He stole it. Or, more correctly, his handlers stole it for him. From the American people. And now Joe is hiding behind tens of thousands of National Guard troops.

President Trump attained the most votes for any candidate ever, by 6 million votes, or a 10% increase over Obama’s 69 million in 2008.

(One of many Trump Boat Rallies across the nation before the election.)

NO! Joe Biden IS NOT the most popular President ever. He is an illegitimate president.

Truckloads of evidence have been gathered showing the election was stolen. There is no way Biden could win a legitimate election minus any fraud.

Probably the most obvious evidence Joe Biden stole the 2020 election is because he and his gang of lying, cheating thieves are absolutely frightened of facing the American people.

Biden and his gang of handlers have built walls all around Washington D.C. His inauguration was held inside the iron fences and nobody showed up.

The Biden handlers claim Joe garnered more than 80 million votes, more votes than any President in history by millions of votes. But where are the voters? They don’t exist except on fraudulent ballots.

Biden claims he won Pennsylvania but he will never-ever hold an event in Butler, Pennsylvania, free to the public like President Trump did in front of a crowd of tens of thousands:

Biden won’t do this because he can’t physically or cognitively. Biden literally can’t talk without a teleprompter. He can hardly do that and Americans knew it before the election. Americans didn’t and don’t believe Joe Biden is the most popular President ever, because he’s not.

More importantly, Biden won’t be holding any events free to the public because he is absolutely afraid Americans will show up and tell him what they think of him. If Biden were to hold an open event in New York, California, or Butler, Pennsylvania, the results would be the same

But most importantly, Biden’s team doesn’t want Americans to know what Americans think of Joe Biden.

What say you Def-Con News readers? We all know, beyond a doubt, the 2020 election was stolen for Biden. And Democrats know the election was stolen, unequivocally. Media’s function has been to convince the masses otherwise. That’s why they hide Biden behind the National Guard and fences. How this will come to pass is anyone’s guess. Because Biden is not our President.