Is this what Cancel Culture is? Our history is being stolen from us. From our children and from their children. How can this be happening? Why are our elected leaders allowing this to take place? This is liberalism run amuck.

As reported by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the year 2020 saw 160 Confederate symbols taken down. The SPLC Chief of Staff, Lecia Brooks, stated, “2020 was a transformative year for the Confederate symbols movement. Over the course of seven months, more symbols of hate were removed from public property than in the preceding four years combined.”
It was an era of upheaval, and amid the displays of people upset, there began a cleaning of the country’s house.
Of those, 94 were monuments, including a memorial to General Robert E. Lee which had stood at the U.S. Capitol for 111 years.

In North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper called for Confederate monuments to be removed from the State Capitol following two statues being pulled down by protestors.
“I have ordered the Confederate monuments on the Capitol grounds be moved to protect public safety. I am concerned about the dangerous efforts to pull down and carry off large, heavy statues and the strong potential for violent clashes at the site.”
“Despite this progress, communities informed the SPLC about more than 300 Confederate symbols located across the United States that remain,” Brooks said in a statement. “These dehumanizing symbols of pain and oppression continue to serve as backdrops to important government buildings, halls of justice, public parks, and U.S. military properties, including ten bases named after Confederate leaders across the South.”
What say you Def-Con News readers? Must we be forced to allow this to continue? Worse yet this violence and destruction is only a small piece of the ongoing collapse of law and order throughout America. And sadly this likely is not the end of the destruction of our history. The fear is more will be coming down, and not just symbols of the Civil War.