Biden’s Dark and Dreary Address to the Nation

On Thursday evening, Dementia-ridden Joe Biden delivered an address to the nation marking one year since Fascist Governors across our hurting nation began to strip away the unalienable rights of their subjects.

The President began the speech by citing pandemic “denial” in the beginning days, weeks, and months as the cause of excess COVID-19 deaths in the United States. Biden continued to display his lack of cognitive wherewithal, reaching for a flashcard in his jacket pocket in order to jog his memory as to the number of COVID related deaths CNN loves to display on their “doom-ticker:”

“I’ve told you before, I carry a card in my pocket with the number of Americans who have died of COVID to date – it’s on the back of my schedule. As of now, total deaths in America: 527,726. That’s more deaths than World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, and 9/11 combined.”

Rather than hold China accountable for being the source of a widespread virus that rocked the world economy, Biden brought attention to “vicious” hate crimes against Asian Americans. The mainstream media has continued to imply that a recent wave of physical violence against Asian American elders can be attributed to President Trump’s use of the vernacular “China Virus.” However, as we reported yesterday, that could not be further from the truth.

Biden boasted his administration’s progress in defeating the virus, attempting to take credit for everything the Trump administration accomplished through Operation Warp Speed. No mention was made of the one-million vaccines being administered per day prior to Biden’s inauguration.

Joe Biden also hinted at allowing just a driblet of freedom to be returned to the American people. The President claimed he may “allow” you to have a small, outdoor Independence Day barbeque if all American adults have received their vaccine.

Tucker Carlson echoed the sentiment of many Americans who wonder how the President could threaten to rescind the right to spend time with friends and family after a year of unscientific lockdowns:

Joe Biden did not speak to the lifting of mask mandates on federal property, the easing of draconian restrictions in blue states, or whether a vaccine mandate may be put into effect. At the end of his address, he took no questions, ignoring a reporter’s inquiry in regards to the pandemic.

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany slammed Biden for his lack of authenticity and inability to address the American public without use of a teleprompter:

White House Occupier Biden is setting records in lack of transparency. The Chinese Communist Party puppet has yet to hold a formal press conference 50 days into his presidency.

Are you looking forward to your Emperor Biden-Approved Independence Day Celebration? Don’t forget to wear your Chinese Face Burka in between bites and sound off in the comments below!