Across the country, 2020 elections were stolen by the use of several illegal actions, including illegal last-minute changes to state election laws, and the result is emplacement of a rogue regime that threatens the very foundations of America. The following is from an article written by Steve Baldwin on American Thinker.
We’re witnessing highly questionable executive
orders, the decimation of the concept of national sovereignty, and an attack on fossil fuels, the lifeblood of our economy.
Biden [and his handlers] are converting our military into a social justice agency and transforming our intelligence services into witch-hunters for conservatives who dared to protest a stolen election.
More alarming the left intends to make its political power permanent by granting amnesty to 20-30 million illegal aliens, granting statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, expanding the Supreme Court, and normalizing the censorship of conservatives, not to mention institutionalizing election fraud, especially in key swing states.
Our Founders, however, were extremely wary of federal power and thus created a number of checks and balances to counter it. One of them was the ability by the states to “nullify” federal laws and even Supreme Court decisions. Nullification is when a State refuses to abide by a federal law, regulation, or even a Federal court ruling by simply not enforcing it. This concept is rooted in the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, which states that if the states, who are the creators of the federal government, have not specifically given them authority, that authority rests with the states and the people of the state:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Conservative constitutional scholars such as Thomas West, in his book, Nullification, How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, documents that our Founders believed that if a “law is unconstitutional and therefore void and of no effect, it is up to the states, the parties to the federal compact, to declare it so and thus refuse to enforce it.”
The left has engaged in nullifying federal laws for years. For example:
All state laws legalizing marijuana are illegal since they’re in conflict with federal narcotic laws, but states have simply refused to enforce these federal laws and so have “nullified” them. Likewise, states controlled by the left have allowed various cities and counties to become “sanctuaries” in which they refused to abide by federal immigration laws.
It’s time conservative Republicans use ‘Nullification’ as a way of protecting our constitutional rights. Here are some of the issues that could be affected:
Nullify all 1st Amendment Restrictions. States should refuse
to enforce all federal edicts and Supreme Court rulings that impinge upon the 1st Amendment protections of our religious freedom, such as efforts by radical gays to force churches, faith based adopting agencies, religious schools, colleges, and businesses to carry out a radical gay and transexual agenda.
Nullify all federal efforts to undermine the 2nd Amendment. States should nullify all federal laws that compromise the 2nd Amendment such as those being proposed by the Biden team.
Nullify open border policies. With Biden announcing his intent to grant amnesty to all illegal aliens, combined with his hostility to border security, expect the border to get out of control. Already, migrant caravans are heading to the border. States should nullify such pro-open border policies and use their resources to stop illegal immigration. The reality is that states were originally involved in setting immigration policy and indeed, used to detain and deport illegals prior to the existence of a Border Patrol or ICE. The only mention in the constitution regarding immigration is “to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.”
Nullify the anti-police agenda. During the Obama regime, his DoJ hamstrung city police departments all over the country with phony “civil rights” investigations, resulting in cities hesitant to arrest or prosecute violent thugs. With anti-police activists surrounding Biden, his administration will do the same, thereby empowering leftist rioters in our cities. The founders never gave the federal government a law enforcement role as they thought this responsibility best be carried out by local police and sheriff departments. States should resist and ignore all federal anti-police regulations and DoJ harassment of local police departments.
Nullify all federal efforts to preserve fraudulent voting procedures. Conservative states need to immediately take action on election fraud and pass
comprehensive voter ID laws, which, of course, will be attacked by Biden’s DoJ as a “civil rights” violation. States also need to remove the estimated 2-3 million illegal aliens from its voting rolls. Indeed, a fact check site has documented that the millions of illegal aliens are currently voting and may have thrown the election to Biden. States need to stop disenfranchising its legal citizens and also purge from its voter rolls of dead people, repeat registrations, and those who moved out of state.
Nullification of federal laws will certainly create a fallout. Steve Baldwin wrote of “a ‘great migration’ in which conservatives will leave blue states to live in red states and vice-versa. ” He added, “this could lead to a peaceful balkanization of America in which the Red states become redder and the Blue states become bluer, but this is not our fault. It is the left that is assaulting our constitutional rights and if conservatives desire to live in states that protect their rights, then so be it.”
Recent examples of nullification: The Arizona Senate passed a bill that declares it will not enforce federal gun control laws, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and North Dakota legislators have all introduced legislation that nullifies Biden’s executive orders.
What say you Def-Con News readers? Nullification will return America to its original system of gover-nance in which most governmental authority is decentralized to the states and counties. And the only recourse for the federal government would be to cut federal funding. “But perhaps the time has come for states to do away with these federal handcuffs.”