Dissident Priests Defy Vatican, Vow To Bless Same-Sex Unions

Liberals seem to have gotten their mindset into some hard-to-imagine places. On Tuesday, a group of “dissident” Roman Catholic priests that are leading a disobedience effort against the Vatican said that they will continue to bless same-sex couples in a direct act against the orders of the Catholic Church.

Monday the Vatican had announced that priests are not allowed to bless same-sex unions, stating that blessings carried out in this way would not be considered valid.

ROME, ITALY - MARCH 15: A general view of empty Via della Conciliazione and St. Peter's Square during the first day of lockdown due to restrictions imposed by Italian government to reduce Covid-19 disease infections, on March 15, 2021 in Rome, Italy. Italy, which was the first to impose a national lockdown last year due to the covid-19 pandemic, is again tightening restrictions in many regions. (Photo by Antonio Masiello/Getty Images)

The Daily Wire’s Joseph Curl reported on the Vatican’s declaration on Monday as the Vatican’s orthodoxy office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), responded to an inquiry about whether Catholic clergy are allowed to bless same-sex unions.

Reuters reported that in some nations, ministers and parishes had started to bless same-sex unions instead of marriage. Some have spoken out in favor of bishops taking action to “institutionalise de facto such blessings,” but conservatives in the Roman Catholic Church have expressed concern over such acts.

The dissident group said in a statement, “We members of the Parish Priests Initiative are deeply appalled by the new Roman decree that seeks to prohibit the blessing of same-sex loving couples. This is a relapse into times that we had hoped to have overcome with Pope Francis.”

“We will — in solidarity with so many — not reject any loving couple in the future who ask to celebrate God’s blessing, which they experience every day, also in a worship service.”

The Parish Priests Initiative was founded in 2006 by nine priests, but claims that it has since grown to around 350 members. It also reports to have more than 3,000 lay supporters and is led by Father Helmut Schueller.

The group’s detraction is most likely not a surprise to those who are familiar with its views. It has reportedly been at odds with the Vatican in the past. The group is in favor of women becoming ordained and also of allowing priests to get married. It has also reportedly said that it will go against the rules of the Church by allowing Protestants and remarried divorced Catholics to take communion.

Schueller was a former deputy to Vienna archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn and was given the honorary title of monsignor as he was in charge of the Austrian branch of the Catholic charity organization Caritas.

In 2012, the Vatican said that Schueller is no longer permitted to use the title monsignor and added that he is not a “Chaplain of His Holiness” anymore. He has not been excommunicated but the possibility has been discussed.

What say you Def-Con News readers? Seems liberals have “infected” just about every avenue of life. I guess it was no stretch of the imagination: pedophilia and homosexuality in the priesthood has led to blessing same-sex couples.