Foreign Policy Dumpster Fire: Biden Regime Humiliated By China

America is back!

When it comes to foreign policy dumpster fires, it’s going to be hard to beat Thursday when the Biden regime reaped the rewards of the reversal of the course set by former President Donald J. Trump.

After being humiliated by Russian President Vladimir Putin who responded to lunchbucket Joe’s bellicose comments that he was a killer with a challenge for a televised debate that he knew would never happen, the big summit with China saw new Secretary Of State Tony Blinken dog-walked by his vastly superior communist counterpart.

Blinken, another Obama administration retread traveled to Anchorage for the first face-to-face talks between America’s new managers and a Bejing regime that has become increasingly bolder now that Trump is gone along with his hardline stance.

Joining Blinken was another Hillary Clinton protegee, Jake Sullivan, and the duo had their asses handed to them in a clear show of disrespect that would have never happened if Trump was still in charge.

When the Secretary Of State justifiably condemned China’s horrific human rights abuses, he was quickly hoisted on his own petard when Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi flipped the script by leveraging the Democrat party’s Black Lives Matter shock troops against him.

“China is firmly opposed to U.S. interference in China’s internal affairs … On human rights, we hope the United States will do better on human rights. China has made steady progress in human rights, and the fact is that there are many problems within the United States regarding human rights, which is admitted by the U.S. itself as well. … The challenges facing the United States in human rights are deep-seated. They did not just emerge over the past four years, such as “Black Lives Matter.” It did not come up only recently.”


The use of BLM is mud in the eye of an administration that ran the dirtiest and most racist campaign in the history of the U.S. in the months after violent riots took place nationwide with the full sanctioning for Democrats, the media, professional sports leagues and corporations whose mission statements should be “China First” and to see it boomerang was a delightful serving of piping hot schadenfreude.

Unfortunately, the Chinese didn’t mention the government’s war on dissent using the January 6th Reichstag Fire event as an excuse to launch a massive federal operation against Trump supporters including conservative Christians, it is right out of Beijing’s playbook as is the majority of the left’s mania for Chinese-style censorship, social credit scores, mass surveillance and forced masking.

Blinken’s shameful performance resulted in him being roasted on social media.

Such an unmitigated disaster was totally predictable considering that the Biden family is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese government and good old Joe from Scranton is an obedient puppet.

None of this bodes well for America which at a time when the Chinese are building up their military and preparing their nation for war, the U.S. military is too busy with purging Trump supporters from the ranks and replacing combat readiness with critical race theory/transgenderism struggle session.

The presidency can now assume its pre-Trump position as a footstool for Chairman Xi.