Muslim Squad Members Suddenly Don’t Think Mass Shooter’s Race Is Important

Last week when a white guy killed 8 people in Atlanta-area message parlors, both Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib thought it was very important to note killer’s race. This week a Muslim terrorist killed 10 people at a Boulder, Colorado grocery store and suddenly the Muslim Squad members say the race and ethnicity of killers shouldn’t be important. I wonder what changed.

Last week, Robert Aaron Long, a white guy, shot and killed 8 people at several Atlanta-area message parlors. 6 of the victims were Asian, so naturally the liberal media and democrats assumed the killing spree was part of the wave of anti-Asian hate crime that they made up. As it turned out, the killer hated prostitutes, not Asians but nobody on the left wanted to let their false narrative go.

Here’s what Squad members Omar and Tlaib had to say, despite the facts:

Though it was a lie that the Atlanta massage parlor shooting spree was connected to white supremacy, Omar and Tlaib made that connection. They thought  the killer’s race indicated his motive. In other words, the shooter’s race was important.

Less than a week later, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa shot and killed 10 people at a Boulder, Colorado grocery store. The liberal media and democrats were prepared to classify this mass shooting as another act of white supremacist terrorism, but it turned out the killer was Muslim, ruining their false narrative.

Suddenly, Omar and Tlaib, who are also Muslim, didn’t think the shooter’s race and ethnicity should be so important:

Instead of focusing on the race and ethnicity of killers, Omar and Tlaib feel that guns should be the focus:

That’s quite a turnaround. Last week white supremacy was responsible for a non-racially motivated shooting spree because a white guy did it and this week when a Muslim committed a mass killing, it’s the gun’s fault.

Still, Tlaib did manage to work white supremacy into the radical Islamic terrorist attack because she’s particularly full of shit.