Biden Says He ‘Came To The United States Senate 120 Years Ago’

We knew Biden was old but had no idea what an ancient artifact he truly is. According to the illegitimate president, he first became a U.S. Senator 120 years ago. If he was 29 when he was first elected that means he’s 162-years-old. Weirdly enough, this is one of the more believable things to come out of his mouth. He looks that old and seems that senile.

On day 64 of his illegitimate presidency, Biden finally held his first press conference. Well, sort of. It was a dozen or so hand-selected friendly liberal media hacks asking embarrassingly ass-kissing questions. Fox News’ Steve Doocy was on hand, but Biden snubbed him the entire time because Joe knew he’d ask tough questions.

Despite the fact that this was a scripted event, designed to give Biden the appearance of competence, he still managed to stumble. He was asked about the democrats’ plan to get rid of the filibuster and started rambling about immigration. Eventually a reporter reminded him the question was about the filibuster and he got back on track:

“Filibuster. Fulfill a buster. You know, with regard to the filibuster, I believe it should go back to a position of the filibuster the did existed just when I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago,” said Biden.

Most certainly the White House will claim that Biden was joking but it sure didn’t appear that way. He didn’t laugh, smile, or even pause for a crowd reaction. Instead he just kept talking. The fact that the rest of his sentence was a crime against the English language backs up the fact that this wasn’t an attempt at humor but rather an attempt to fight off the encroaching dementia.

For the record, Biden’s position on the filibuster is it shouldn’t be eliminated until it gets eliminated. No seriously, that’s what he came to after rambling for what seems like hours on the subject.

One other highlight from this is that Biden gave this reason for calling to eliminate the filibuster:

“That used to be that uh the it that uh,” started Biden.

He was reading off of cards when he delivered that last line.

“Between 1917 and 1971 the filibuster existed there were a total of 58 motions to break a filibuster. That whole time. Last year alone, there were 5 times that many. So it’s being abused in a gigantic way,” said Biden.

The filibuster is used by the minority party in the Senate to block a floor vote on legislation. Last year, the democrats were the minority party in the Senate, so if the filibuster was being abused, they were the abusers.

Isn’t it convenient that now that Biden is in the White House and the democrats are the majority party in the Senate, they want to get rid of the filibuster?

One last thing of note in Biden’s rambling answer was this example of his diminished cognitive capabilities:

“I’m going to say something outrageous. I have never been particularly poor at calculating how to get things done in the United States Senate. So the best way to get something done is, if you if you hold near and dear you that you uh im like to be able…anyway,” Biden said.

And then he just stopped talking and looked at the floor for an uncomfortably long period of time.

Apparently the best way to get things done is to forget what the hell you were trying to get done. As for Biden’s boast that he’s great at calculating things, the fact that he claimed to have come into the U.S. Senate 120 years ago begs to differ.