Joe To America: “Mask Up, Mask Up, It’s A Patriotic Duty”

On your knees slaves…

Every religious cult has its sacraments and symbols and for the creepy authoritarian movement that has taken control of the U.S. government, there is nothing as important as the face mask which has become a potent political talisman in these sad days of our stolen freedoms.

The simple fact that during the earliest months of the mass hysteria over COVID, mask mandates were virtually nonexistent and even high priest Dr. Anthony S. Fauci said that they were more symbolic and psychological than effective shows that the “science” is dubious and that the face burkas are primarily a form of obedience training, coerced submission and most importantly, the identifier between one is an obedient citizen or an enemy of the state.

Now that multiple red states including Texas and Florida have rejected state-mandated mask-wearing and are moving to restore some semblance of normalcy, the military-occupied bastion of the globalist technocratic elite in Washington D.C. is not going to simply give up on the masking/muzzling of previously free Americans.

The mouth of the occupying junta, Joe Biden came out on Monday and called for the recalcitrant governors to fall back in line by reinstating forced mask orders while gaslighting citizens that masking up was their “patriotic duty,” another Orwellian bastardization of a language that was not that long ago, universally accepted until the wheels of The Great Reset were sent into motion.

Via The Federalist, “Biden Urges States To Maintain Mask Mandates As A ‘Patriotic Duty”:

President Joe Biden urged leaders across the country Monday to reinstate mask mandates and pause reopening efforts, claiming it’s “the only way we will ever get back to normal.”

“I’m reiterating my call for every governor, mayor, and local leader to maintain and reinstate the mask mandate,” Biden said. “Please, this is not politics. Reinstate the mandate if you let it down. And businesses should require masks as well … Look, as I do my part to accelerate the vaccine distribution and vaccinations, I need the American people to do their part as well.”

Biden said mask mandates are the “only way” Americans will be able to attend events like graduations and weddings again.

“Mask up. Mask up. It’s a patriotic duty,” he said. “It’s the only way we will ever get back to normal. To cheer together in stadiums full of fans. To gather together in holidays again safely.”

With each appearance, the 78-year-old Biden looks more and more like the frail, feeble, mentally deteriorating puppet that he is and his appeals to patriotism are both pathetic and dangerous at the same time.

One thing is for sure and that as former President George W. Bush once put it, “you are either with us, or you are with the terrorists” and the battle lines have already been drawn by the dictatorship of the masks.