Hunter Biden Doesn’t Remember Knocking Up Stripper And Fathering Love Child

The illegitimate president’s crackhead son doesn’t remember banging a stripper and fathering an illegitimate love child. Hunter Biden has stumbled on the perfect excuse to make his entire horrible life disappear. He simply claims he was too high to remember anything he did and the liberal media takes his word for it that he’s really a good guy.

The New York Post reports:

​Hunter Biden said he has “no recollection” of meeting a stripper who later gave birth to his child.

Writing in his memoir, “Beautiful Things,” that will hit bookstores on Tuesday, President Biden’s son describes years of drug and alcohol addiction and the numerous sexual encounters he had with women.

The stripper, Lunden Alexis Roberts, was working in a DC strip club when she met Hunter, who had been going through “more than four years of active addiction.”

”​It’s why I would later challenge in court the woman in Arkansas who had a baby in 2018 and claimed the child was mine. I had no recollection of our encounter. That’s how little connection I had with anyone. I was a mess, but a mess I’ve taken responsibility for,” wrote Hunter.

And by taking responsibility he means he forced Roberts to sue him before he would take responsibility.

This not remembering thing is a theme with Hunter. In a CBS interview in which he claimed that his laptop full of incriminating evidence and incest was stolen and hacked by the Russians, he said he didn’t recall dropping it off at a Delaware computer shop for repair.

This is a brilliant strategy, much too smart for Hunter and probably from Papa Joe’s handlers, that will get the heat off of him for everything.

He can say he was too whacked out on crack to remember ever working for Ukraine energy company, Burisma, and taking in millions. That way Joe will never have to answer for extorting Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating Hunter’s company. You know, that thing that democrats impeached Donald Trump for the first time. The only difference is, Biden is actually guilty but thanks to the crack excuse, it’s gone.

Same thing goes for those pictures on Hunter’s laptop of him naked with his underage cousin. Not only does his crack memory erase the existence of the laptop but it also excuses the incest and statutory rape. “Hey man, I was messed up and don’t remember a damn thing about banging my underage cousin.” Problem solved.

The biggest issue with Hunter’s excuse about being too drugged-up to remember anything is that he wrote an entire book about the years he was too drugged-up to remember anything. If he can’t remember major events like fathering a child, how is it that he remembers anything else?

The good news is, the liberal media is very friendly to the Biden family and won’t scrutinize a thing. Nobody in the fake news industry is going to point out the convenience of Hunter Biden’s memory.

They haven’t said anything about his father Joe’s dementia-related memory loss so why would they hold Hunter accountable for his crack-related memory loss?