Kamala Harris Says America Is Not A Racist Country But It Is A Racist Country

Durring Joe Biden’s sparsely attended address before a joint session of Congress, the illegitimate president repeatedly said America is a racist country and vowed to purge the white people who hold conservative beliefs. In the GOP rebuttal, Senator Tim Scott, who is black, said unequivocally that America is not a racist country. Illigitmate veep Kamala Harris agrees with Scott that America is not a racist country but added that America is a racist country.

Since Biden put Harris in charge of the border crisis, she went on Good Morning America to do anything but address the border crisis. In one hell of a softball interview, Kamaltoe was asked if Senator Scott was correct in saying that America is not a racist country:

“Senator Tim Scott said last night that America is not a racist country. Do you agree with that, and what do you make of his warning against fighting discrimination with more discrimination?” asked host George Stephanopoulos.

“I believe that we need to come up, well first of all, no I don’t think America is a racist country but,” started Harris.

Whenever someone qualifies their statement with a “but” they are lying. Like when democrats say “I support the 2nd Amendment but” they really don’t support the 2nd Amendment.

“But we also do have to speak truth about the history of racism in our country, and its existence today,” Harris continued.

Can we speak the truth that all racism in this country’s history has been the doing of the democratic party? As it turns out, Harris was referring to a different “history” of racism:

“I applaud the president for always having the ability and the courage frankly to speak the truth about it and he spoke from what we know from the intelligence community that one of the greatest threats to our national security is domestic terrorism manifested by white supremacists,” Harris said.

So the history of racism in this country is the made-up threat of white supremacist terrorism today? Even if there was a threat of white supremacist terrorism now, that is not the history of the democratic party’s racism. Also, since she perpetuating Biden’s lie that white supremacy is the biggest threat to our country, she certainly believes that America is a racist country.

In fact, she said as much:

“And so these are issues that we must confront, and it does not help to heal our country, to unify us as a people, to ignore the realities of that and I think the president has been outstanding, and a real national leader on the issue of saying let’s confront the realities, and let’s deal with it, knowing we all have so much more in common than what separates us, and the idea is that we want to unify the country, but not without speaking truth and requiring accountability as appropriate,” Harris said.

Stay with me on this one, Kamaltoe. If you believe that racism in this country must be confronted and that we can’t ignore the realities of racism in this country, you are saying that America is a racist country.

And let’s acknowledge the courage of the liberal hacks at Good Morning America for allowing Kamala Harris to answer the question: Is America a Racist country?” with “America is not a racist country but it is a racist country.”