The Best Of Munny: Is Red the New Black?

Has your political affiliation made you the target of a new type of persecution? It seems like it. We constantly see stories of Trump supporters being refused service at restaurants, having their MAGA hats stolen and spit on, being assaulted for no other reason than their political beliefs. It hearkens back to the era of Jim Crow, only this time it’s not only African-Americans being victimized, it’s ALL conservatives. And the color of their skin doesn’t matter.

Via Black America Web

Black Conservative Group Angry After Uber Driver Refuses To Transport Them

A group of young, Black conservatives on their way to a Make America Great Again “meet-up” at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC claim they were refused service by an Uber driver because of their political views.

“To me, what happened took me back to the 60’s when Black Americans were told they couldn’t sit in the front of the bus, they had to sit at the back of the bus, or eat at the same restaurant, or go to the same school or would be hosed [sic] in certain neighbors,” Matthew Handy told CBN News.

“So now we are going to discrimination not based on race but on political standing. We are gonna see people not welcome in places because they are conservative or liberal. So, that is more disturbing to me than any other aspect of this.”

Handy, who’s participating in the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives internship program, said the group had their MAGA hats in their hands when they got in the car and the Uber driver asked, “Is that a MAGA hat? Well, I can’t do this ride.”

He thought the guy was joking, but then the driver repeated, “No, I’m not doing this ride. Get out of my car.

Situation reversal time. Let’s pretend I’m the Uber driver. A group of feminists in pink pussy hats wearing, “Impeach Trump!” t-shirts wants me to give them a ride. I refuse, saying, “Is that a pink pussy hat? Well, I can’t do this ride.” The liberals call Uber and complain. How much would anyone care to wager that not only would I be immediately terminated from Uber, but it would also become a HUGE news story? I’m pretty sure no one is going to take that bet.

Handy says he contacted Uber to register a complaint and only received a “generic response.”

“It doesn’t seem like, to me, that they are taking this issue seriously and I think they should,” Handy told CBN News. “I think they should look into this situation because it’s discrimination. They should fire this driver. I don’t want free rides, I want action,” he said.

He’s exactly right. What he did is poor customer service. That situation reversal thing I wrote above is actually an amalgam of several scenarios that I have been through in my own career of customer service. I’ve politely helped women in pink pussy hats, people wearing “Resist” shirts, “Impeach Trump” shirts, transgenders, anti-gun protesters, hippies, and other degenerates in general. It’s in my job description to do it. Do I like having to do those things? Of course not. But they’d never know it because I’m good at my job. If I owned the company, maybe I’d do things differently. But I don’t. Neither does this guy own Uber. He should be fired for poor job performance.

“It caught me by surprise but it didn’t. When you look at Sarah Sanders and with the teenager at Whataburger… but then you’ve got people like Maxine Waters calling for it,” he said.

“The Democrats say, ‘When they go low, we go high,’ and I’m not seeing that at all, when things like Maxine Waters calling, basically, for violence for all supporters and all who work for the president. What she said is not ok. So, when something happens she’s gonna say the blood’s not on my hands but it is because she is the one who initiated it. This is not OK in America.”

Handy is aware that Trump’s own aggressive verbal and tweet attacks are part of the mix but he says none of that matters.

“When you’ve got people coming at you from the left, right, front, back – you’ve got to have your defenses on. You have to be somewhat ahead of the game, ready to defend yourself at all costs. I think he’s defending himself. Is it right how he does it? No. But he’s got to do it,” Handy explained to CBN News.

He also believes there’s a huge double-standard with the liberal and progressive Democrats.

Because there certainly is.

“If I were a Democrat and I was wearing something supporting them and this happened, you’d see all the Black leaders coming to my defense, but you don’t see that happening because I don’t classify myself as a Democrat or a liberal.”

The Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives internship program was founded two years ago and its goal is to “defeat the narrative that the Left pushes out that black people shouldn’t be a part of the Republican party.”
The first year of the program there were eight interns. Now in its second year, there are 18.

Handy acknowledges that there still aren’t many Blacks or other minorities in leadership on Capitol Hill and this program aims at changing that.

“After my experience on the Hill and through this program, it’s inspired me to get out there and get involved and to run for office someday,” he told CBN News.

“It’s been a learning experience. It’s one I’ll carry for a lifetime. My Congressman has been very supportive – Rep. Mike Bost from Illinois’ 12th district has been very helpful,” he said.

And now let the black on black hate begin . . . complete with racial slurs. From the comments section at Black America:

Passing Trough!! on July 20, 2018 at 10:34 am said:

To me, what happened took me back to the 60’s when Black Americans were told they couldn’t sit in the front of the bus, they had to sit at the back of the bus ***** COONservative you are on the back of the bus with your MAGA hat on. You are still living in the 60’s in fear of what white people believing that they are superior and the only way you can get ahead is by aligning yourselves with racist who hates black people. That’s an inferiority complex in representation of that red cap you’re wearing on your head. A group of black coons in support of trump who has an ALL WHITE cabinet.

Is that so?

To be honest, I did just set up a new computer here, so maybe I need to adjust my monitor or something. Because that dude sure looks black from where I’m sitting.

He didn’t even promote is main house ni**a Ben Carson to a prominent staff position, he fired Omarosa

She broke the rules. An employee that breaks the rules at their job typically gets fired . . . unless you’re a Trump-hating Uber driver I suppose. “. . . she was misusing the White House car service, called “CARPET,” as an office pickup and drop-off service. The problem? It’s explicitly forbidden by the federal government to do so.

And if Trump is really such a racist, why would he have hired her in the first place?

. . . and has appointed 2 white men to the Supreme Court. There is NO room for black people in trumps’s administration or in his world period. He wouldn’t hire not a single one of these boot lickers. And I’m noticing in this picture it appears to be mostly dark skinned sycophants showing their teeth gathered around white masssa. The hat should read “CIST” for Coons In Support of Trump.

Yes, any black person who is smart enough to know it’s in their own best interest to get off the liberal plantation that’s been keeping them down for so long is labeled a coon or a house nigga. Nice. Maybe this “Passing Trough” (I suspect he’s not much of a speller because what the hell is a passing trough?) moron should look at the current black employment stats. Higher than ever. But Trump’s racist and these conservative blacks are “coons?” Go stick your loud mouth back into that steaming trough full of bullshit the democrats have been feeding you. Chow down, asshole.

Originally published at Fleeting Freedom on July 20, 2018.