Breakfast For The Brain Weekend Edition

Have a great weekend.

Musical Chairs Before The Great Reset

Via Canada Free Press

People are on the move. The Great Reset is coming. While they still can, they’re vying for a safe place to live with some sense of normalcy. And it’s not in Blue states. Home prices in Red States are going up. House values in my area have doubled in the last 3 – 4 years. People are buying sight unseen and if your plan is to build, there is a two year wait for a contractor.

Many Blue States will be losing power in Congress as Red States will be gaining power. For the first time, California will lose a seat. New York will lose a seat as well as Illinois, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Texas will gain two seats. Montana, Florida, North Carolina, Oregon, and Colorado will each gain a seat.

This is not a green environment movement you’re witnessing, it is a world-class power grabbing, money grubbing movement
In the meantime, Democrats are forging plans, moving their agenda along, making up for lost time during the Trump administration. They are moving as fast as they can before any new elections and before people wake up. They prefer us to remain either sleeping or in a stupor. Many of us are not sleeping, but are in a sort of ‘I can’t believe what I’m seeing’ phase, trying to make sense of it all. Don’t waste your time trying to make sense of it, because it doesn’t. But, there is a plan, a scheme at work, and it will roll over you if you ignore it. This is not a green environment movement you’re witnessing, it is a world-class power grabbing, money grubbing movement with centers of power not just here, but in foreign places.

The Democrats will pretend as if government is going along as normal, but with their usual self-illusory superiority. The media will not ask any difficult questions, soft press conferences only. The occasional Newsmax or Fox News question will be handled with the usual misdirection and mendacity.

Indicators pointing to reality are everywhere. Biden’s climate requirements call for reducing meat consumption by 90%. That is, eating 4 lbs. of meat per person per year, or about one hamburger per month. They are denying it, but don’t bet on it. Oregon has introduced legislation to outlaw farm animals for food in their state. You will only be allowed to eat animals that either die of natural causes or are diseased. How nice. The Biden administration is calling for a reduction in carbon dioxide output or greenhouse gases by 50 – 52% from the 2005 levels. Since 80% of greenhouse gas is from human activity, reducing the world population would certainly do that…hmmm.

They’re getting right back on the New World Order train and they are heading in our direction.

Biden will be giving $174 billion to the big three auto makers, as part of his infrastructure program, to produce electric vehicles few can afford (50k), and build one-half million charging stations. What will power these charging stations or the millions that will come later? Will it be diesel, oil, natural gas, or coal? What environmental damage will occur in obtaining the rare earth minerals needed to produce the batteries for these cars? Who will afford these vehicles? Will this new paradigm shift permit travel as we know it or will the government supply the former middle class with bicycles?

The so-called pandemic is being kept alive in spite of vaccinations. A function of control and fear
No one is opposed to a clean environment, but we are moving faster than the technology or the economy can support it. And we don’t even have proof that carbon dioxide is a problem, or that there is even climate change that we can do anything about. It used to be called global warming because they really have no idea what they are taking about. Thirty or forty years ago, the problem was global cooling. They may not know what they are talking about, but they certainly know what they are doing. That’s because it is not about the environment. It’s about POWER…POLITICAL POWER!

The so-called pandemic is being kept alive in spite of vaccinations. A function of control and fear. I am always amazed at people who drive in their car around town, alone, wearing a facemask. I congratulate the Democrats for that. They have worked hard to create that kind of fear. Because of them, the Constitution is on its way to being nullified and the Declaration of Independence is being re-written to be the Declaration of Dependence, and many will welcome it. It will be an anti-God, Antichrist system.

Congress is spending money like it isn’t theirs. Well, it isn’t. Their plan is to spend $6 TRILLION with the complete support of the Fed, just in the next 6 months. They will destroy the dollar and introduce a digital currency. That will crush the middle class and any privacy we have left. They will introduce a sort of dual society, with only rich and poor. It will be an absolute precondition to any new world order.

Support from the fake media has not wavered. After Biden’s recent speech to Congress, the press swooned over him. “He’s developed a positive popularism.”…“He talked about the soul of America, and it was so passionate.” Even Chris Wallace of Fox News expressed what he saw as a new trust in government. That doesn’t show me a difference of opinion, but a difference in the planet we occupy.

People are on the move, a natural result of Democrat government by division. Those that choose to be unaffected and remain where they are will have different priorities. As we view each other from a distance, the suspicion and distrust will grow even further, finally realizing how little we have in common. Boundary lines between Blue and Red will become more apparent. For the time being the Left will be over confident, thinking they have everything under control. They have no idea. I don’t see any easy road to victory for the Left and no willingness to withdraw back to sanity, even while their cities, like their culture, crumbles. The Right, confident in their Americanism, will find a line and be steadfast. Winston Churchill once said, “American can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities are exhausted.”

In the mean time, will you find an empty chair when the music stops?

Read the entire article HERE.

Biden DOJ “Actively Considering” Domestic Terrorism Law To Target White Supremacists

Via True Pundit

On Wednesday night, President Joe Biden told a Congress that “white supremacy is terrorism,” after claiming that US intelligence considers it “the most lethal terrorist threat to our homeland today.”

Hours earlier, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) set the stage for the new narrative by telling MSNBC‘s Nicol Wallace that “The predominant part of that domestic threat ” is white nationalists, adding “We can’t ignore that because of a political sensitivity that some of the folks are part of the Trump base.”

Less than 24 hours later, Bloomberg is reporting that the Biden DOJ is “actively considering” whether to seek a new law which would allow prosecutors to bring specific charges for domestic terrorists who plot and/or carry out attacks, according to a senior department official.

“One of the things we’re looking at is would we need new authorities,” said deputy assistant attorney general for the department’s national security division, Brad Wiegmann, during a Thursday House hearing.

Weigmann added that while the department has been successful using existing laws to fight domestic terrorism – including bringing charges for offenses involving weapons or explosives violations, hate crimes and arson, there have been more than 430 arrests made in connection with the Jan. 6 assault on the US Capitol “carried out by extremist supporters of then-President Donald Trump” (as Bloomberg puts it).

The FBI has warned that domestic violent extremists pose a heightened threat for carrying out attacks in the U.S. in the near future, with white supremacists being the most lethal threat.

Currently, no U.S. law lets the government designate domestic extremists as terrorists or bring specific charges for domestic terrorism. That contrasts with laws to combat international terrorism, which allow the government to designate groups and bring charges for providing those groups with material support. –Bloomberg

“The question we’re really wrestling with is, are there gaps,” Weigman told a House Appropriations subcommittee. “Is there some type of conduct that we can envision that we can’t cover or would it be an otherwise benefit in having something else other than what we’re having now?”

Read the entire article HERE.

The American Right Is The New Target Of Washington’s “War On Terror”

Via Zero Hedge

The security walls around the US Capitol may be removed, but the federal response to the January 6 protests has only just begun. The Democrats in Washington are determined to treat the incident as on par with the events of September 11, which may explain a troubling report about the potential use of the famed No Fly List.

Yesterday Nick Fuentes, a right-wing social media pundit who attended the January 6 protests in the capital, alleged that he has been placed on the federal no-fly list, preventing him from traveling to Florida for a political rally. While Mr. Fuentes shared on social media audio of an airline employee suggesting that his flying restriction did come from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), later that night Tucker Carlson informed his audience that his staff could neither confirm nor deny the report. While critics pointed to previous social media posts which documented his being removed from a plane for failing to comply with mask policies, Fuentes has noted that he had no problem flying to Washington in January.

It is unclear whether federal authorities will be in any rush to clarify the situation, but there is no reason not to assume that federal authorities would attempt to use this war on terror tool against political opponents. From its inception, what originally began as sixteen names federal authorities had connected to potential future terrorist attacks quickly grew to over 1 million. As is the case with other surveillance tools handed over to the deep state, there is very little oversight or due process involved in how federal authorities handle potential “terrorist threats.”

Since January there has been a concerted effort by Democrat leaders, former deep state officials, and America’s most despicable neoconservatives to push the Biden administration to utilize the power of the federal government against the supporters of Donald Trump. While the incidents at the Capitol on January 6 are used to justify these calls, the weaponization of federal power against political opponents goes back almost as long as the federal government itself. In more recent years, President Biden’s previous service in the White House saw a Democrat administration that used both the IRS and Department of Homeland Security to target conservatives.

Another reason to expect escalation from the Biden administration against vocal figures like Fuentes is the unique critique of the current regime from the right. The majority of Republican voters do not simply oppose President Biden due to politics, but flatly reject his democratic legitimacy.

As Murray Rothbard explainedit is precisely this sort of attack that the state fears most:

The increasing use of scientific jargon has permitted the State’s intellectuals to weave obscurantist apologia for State rule that would have only met with derision by the populace of a simpler age. A robber who justified his theft by saying that he really helped his victims, by his spending giving a boost to retail trade, would find few converts; but when this theory is clothed in Keynesian equations and impressive references to the “multiplier effect,” it unfortunately carries more conviction. And so the assault on common sense proceeds, each age performing the task in its own ways.

Thus, ideological support being vital to the State, it must unceasingly try to impress the public with its “legitimacy,” to distinguish its activities from those of mere brigands….

The gravest crimes in the State’s lexicon are almost invariably not invasions of private person or property, but dangers to its own contentment, for example, treason, desertion of a soldier to the enemy, failure to register for the draft, subversion and subversive conspiracy, assassination of rulers and such economic crimes against the State as counterfeiting its money or evasion of its income tax. Or compare the degree of zeal devoted to pursuing the man who assaults a policeman, with the attention that the State pays to the assault of an ordinary citizen. Yet, curiously, the State’s openly assigned priority to its own defense against the public strikes few people as inconsistent with its presumed raison d’être.

This perspective explains the disproportionate treatment that mostly peaceful protesters at the Capitol in January have received in contrast to those arrested during riots in American cities throughout the past year. The state will always treat those who seriously threaten its perceived legitimacy with greater zeal than those guilty of simply destroying the livelihoods of its citizens.

This also highlights the self-defeating nature of the modern American conservative movement.

For decades now, the same political party that often gives lip service to “federalism” has often been the party directly responsible for the growth of federal power. As noted earlier, it took exactly one administration before the Department of Homeland Security, created by the Bush administration, began to target the very voters who elected him to office. It was just two election cycles before the PATRIOT Act was used to target a Republican presidential campaign.

The biggest question that now lies in American politics is whether conservatives are capable of learning from these examples. If the American right is capable of fully absorbing the reality that the greatest threat to their lives, liberty, and prosperity lies domestically—and not abroad—perhaps there is potential for a political rollback of the American empire.

If not, American conservatives will come to understand how little constitutional rights truly mean in the face of a hostile state.

Read the entire article HERE.

Gov. Whitmer declares the entire state of Michigan to be a VACCINE PRISON CAMP … obey or stay locked down forever

Via Natural News

In a move that smacks of the Third Reich and the Holocaust, Michigan Gov. Whitmer, a malicious criminal and anti-American traitor, has just turned the entire state of Michigan into a vaccine prison camp. She has declared that gunpoint-enforced lockdowns will not end until up to 70% of the state’s adults surrender to being injected with a deadly depopulation bioweapon called a “covid vaccine.”

Freedom is only “granted” by the Whitmer regime when certain vaccination milestones are achieved. This is a form of criminal coercion that violates not only the Nuremberg Code restrictions against medical experiments, but also violate fundamental human rights and the requirement for informed consent.

It was unimaginable just a year ago that Michiganders would have to “earn” their freedom by agreeing to be injected with an experimental medical intervention promoted by globalist depopulation advocates, yet this is exactly what’s happening in Michigan right now, under the tyrannical rule of Democrats.

The vaccine milestone are reported by

  • 55% of Michiganders vaccinated – In-person work will be allowed for all sectors of business.
  • 60% of Michiganders vaccinated – Indoor capacity at sports stadiums, conference centers, banquet halls, and funeral homes will increase to 25%; capacity at exercise facilities and gyms will increase to 50%; and the curfew on restaurants and bars will be lifted.
  • 65% of Michiganders vaccinated – All indoor capacity limit percentages will be lifted, requiring only social distancing between parties. Limits on residential social gatherings will be further relaxed.
  • 70% of Michiganders vaccinated – Gathering and face mask orders will be lifted, and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will no longer employ broad mitigation measures unless unanticipated circumstances arise, such as the spread of vaccine-resistant variants.

Under this tyrannical, illegal rule, the only way the people of Michigan can see their freedoms restored is to agree to be injected with a dangerous, experimental, gene-altering medical intervention that’s already killing people by the thousands, all across the world.

Read the entire article HERE.

Pastor in Canada to Be Arrested Using ‘Anything Necessary’

Via Townhall

You likely remember Art Pawlowski, the pastor of the Cave of Adullam in Calgary, Alberta. Police showed up to shut down his service during Holy Week in the days leading up to Easter weekend, just earlier this month. Pastor Pawlowski gained fame after he sent the officers on their way with some choice language, ordering them to come back with a warrant if they dared show up again. Well, they have their warrant, and it informs police to be ready to arrest the pastor using “anything necessary,” according to a warrant accessed by Rebel News.

As Beth reported about the initial incident:

Calgary police were met with resistance when they attempted to shut down a Good Friday church service for violating COVID restrictions. Artur Pawlowski, the pastor at The Cave of Adullam, told police to leave and not return until they have a search warrant in hand.

“You come back with a warrant,” Pawlowski said. “Out! Out! Out!”

Police were hesitant to leave but the pastor wasn’t backing down. “Out of this property, you Nazis!” Pawlowski shouted. “Gestapo is not allowed here!”

As police left the property, Pawlowski told them “not to come back, you Nazi psychopaths.”

“Unbelievable sick, evil people. Intimidating people in a church during the Passover! You Gestapo, Nazi, communist fascists! Don’t you dare come back here!” he shouted as they walked away.

The pastor turned the camera to face him.

“Can you imagine those psychopaths? Passover, the holiest Christian festival in a year and they’re coming to intimidate Christians during the holiest festival? Unbelievable,” Pawlowski said. “What is wrong with those sick psychopaths? It’s beyond me. Wow. Wow. How dare they?”

“How dare they” indeed, especially when they’re treating a pastor like a violent criminal. As Adam Soos for Rebel News reported, the warrant is a “secret warrant — obtained in secret, using secret evidence.” Pawlowski has received lockdown tickets because he’s refused feed the homeless outside in Calgary, which is considered an illegal gathering, and does not wear a mask while doing so outside. Rebel News has a “civil liberties initiative known as “Fight the Fines.” The pastor also refuses to limit his church services to 15 percent capacity. They have a specific campaign to support Pastor Pawlowski,

A relevant portion of the warrant read that, with added emphasis:

Upon there being reasonable grounds to believe that the Respondent, Artur Pawlowski or any other person has breached any terms of the Court’s Order, any member of Law Enforcement is authorized to forthwith arrest that person, restrain him or her and bring him or her at the earliest possible time before a Justice of the Court of Queen’s Bench to show cause why he or she should not be held in contempt of Court, provided that such person shall not be arrested unless he or she has been previously served with a copy of the Court’s Order by a member of Law Enforcement or an Executive Officer and, upon being given an opportunity to do so, does not thereafter obey the Court’s Order. It is further ordered that, in making an arrest under this Order, Law Enforcement is authorized to do anything necessary to carry out the arrest, including the use of as much reasonable force as may be necessary to make the arrest, and without warrant to enter any place where on reasonable grounds Law Enforcement believes that the offending person may be found.

The warrant was dated April 23, but which the pastor’s attorneys did not find out about until this week, as Jon Brown reported for the Daily Wire.

Pawlowski is not the only Calgary pastor to be targeted in such a way by this “Gestapo” police.

Read the entire article HERE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get our morning started off right.