Everything Joe Biden Says Is A Lie

The thing about pathological lars is, they lie about everything, including stuff that seems insignificant. Illegitimate president Joe Biden lies about his record, his positions, and his opposition. He also lies about dumb stuff like the “folksy” stories he thinks makes him relatable. In this latest fantasy world of Joe, he brought his mother back to life to tell a bullshit story of his love of trains.

Last Friday, Crazy Joe celebrated 50 years of Amtrak by lying that he and Obama had built several high-speed rail lines. It turns out that wasn’t the only whopper he told. Check out this story, which comes straight from the White House transcript of his speech:

When I became Vice President, one of the Capitol Hill newspapers estimated that I had taken more than 7,000 round trips on Amtrak over my career.  I think that’s an exaggeration.  And I’m going to rely on — there’s two conductors that Mr. Weaver will remember. r.  One of them was a guy named Angelo Negri. And Angelo — there was an article — my — I guess, my fourth or fifth year as President — Vice President, saying, “Biden travels 1,000 — 1,300,000 miles on Air Force One [Two].

As you can see, there’s already several problems with this story. One that the White House tried to correct that Biden claimed he travelled on Air Force One as the VP. The others, Biden corrected himself in that he wasn’t the president and it was 1,300,000 miles of air travel, not 1,000.

There however was much more bullshit to come:

And I used to — the Secret Service didn’t like it, but I used to like to take the train home.  My mom was sick, and I’d come — try to come home almost every weekend as Vice President to see her. And I was getting on the train, and Angelo Negri came up and he goes, “Joey, baby!”  And he grabbed my cheek, started to squeeze it like he always did. 

And I thought that he was going to get shot.  (Laughs.)  I’m serious.  And I said, “No, no.  He’s a friend.”  He said, “Joey, what’s the big deal?  1,200,000 — 300,000 miles on Air Force Two.  You know how many miles you traveled on Amtrak?”  I said, “No, Ang, I don’t know.”

And he gave me the calculation, and he said, “you traveled 1,515,000 miles on Amtrak.”  So the fact is, I’d probably take Ang’s word before I took the word of what the article said.

This story, according to Biden, took place in his fourth or fifth year as vice president, meaning in either 2012 0r 2013. Biden surpassed a million miles of travel on Air Force Two in late 2015 and since that is the pretext of his story, that has to be the year that it happened.

There are a few problems with that timeline. Amtrak conductor Angelo Negri retired in 1993 and died in 2014 according to his obituary. He never conducted a train during Biden’s vice presidency and was not alive when Biden reached the million mile threshold on Air Force Two.

Additionally, Biden said this dead man told him about his Amtrak travels while he was on his way to visit his sick mother. She passed away in 2010, 5 years before this story could have taken place.

Maybe Biden is some kind of necromancer who can bring the dead back to life but more likely, he’s lying his ass off.

The question here is: why? Why would Biden lie about something this stupid? He can tell an inane story about how much he has ridden Amtrak trains without having to lie.

The answer is: because Biden is a pathological liar and that’s what they do. Everything Biden says is a lie. If you want to know what the truth is, it’s the opposite of what comes out of Joe’s mouth. I’m not sure there is an opposite to “dog-faced pony soldier” or “badakathcare” but you get the point. He’s full of shit.