Biden’s DOJ Proposes Rules For ‘Ghost Guns’

The Biden Department of Justice has proposed a new rule that would affect the “ghost guns” as the radical left and mainstream media like to call them. This from

The new rules would affect sellers of firearm kits, requiring them to perform background checks on purchasers. The rule change would also require manufacturers to include serial numbers on easy to assemble firearm kits.

Image result for pics of ghost guns

The rule also affects firearm dealers across the country. They would be forced to place serial numbers on any firearm that they would take into possession following the rule change. The public will have 90 days to comment on the rule, following its posting online.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said, “Although this rulemaking will solve only one aspect of the problem, we have an obligation to do our part to keep our families and our neighborhoods safe from gun violence.”

But the statistics shared in the DOJ release are misleading. It would have the public believe these weapons are a massive issue.


The release says that 23,000 of these ‘ghost guns’ were recovered from potential crime scenes. Of those, just over 300 were homicide or attempted homicides. For comparison, Chicago alone had just under 1,000 homicides itself. Thousands of homicides were reported across the country in 2020 and the overwhelming majority that involved firearms were not ‘ghost guns.’

Whether Biden understands or not, he cannot pass any gun control measures through Congress. His regime seems committed, however, to acting unilaterally with the help of the new radical DOJ. This would be an overreach and will certainly be challenged by gun advocates like the NRA. Likewise Red states one by one will take steps to pass their own states’ rights measures.