Biden Threatens To Run Over Reporter For Asking A Question

It’s bad enough that Joe Biden’s handlers let him drive, they also let him interact unscripted with the press. While test driving a prototype electric vehicle, old man Biden threatened to run over a reporter for daring to ask him a question. Don’t worry, he was only kidding and he’s a democrat so this isn’t the threat to democracy and a free press like if a Republican said it.

Because there’s nothing else going on in the world like a pandemic, border crisis, gas crisis, or a war in the Middle East, Biden headed to Michigan to f*ck around with the Ford F-150 Lightning.

Things started out like a perfectly scripted Joe Biden moment. He drove the electric truck around without hitting anything and then pulled up in front of a group of reporters.

“This sucker’s quick,” said Biden.

The reporters then proceeded to ask him hard-hitting questions like “how’s it drive?” and “would you buy one?”

Biden pretend like he knew something about it as he played coy with a fact that had been given to him.

“I’ll tell you what, I don’t have anything like a stopwatch but I think we were going 0-60 in about 4.3,” said Biden.

Because Biden totally has a sense of what 4.3 seconds feels like. Someone then informed him that the vehicle does 0-60 in 4.4 seconds.

“Mr. President, how fast were you going?” a reporter asked.

“Okay, I’m just going to step on it and come off and you’ll be miles per hour,” responded Biden.

I’m sure that answer made sense to him, but not his handlers who had carefully crafted this lame photo op. They certainly didn’t pre-approve this next exchange:

“Mr. President, can I ask you a quick question on Israel,” asked another reporter.

“No you can’t. Not unless you get in front of the car and I step on it,” replied Biden.

At least two people in the reporter pool laughed, because this was Biden threatening to kill a reporter, not Trump doing it. Nobody bothered to point out that Biden was driving a truck, not a car, but it’s not the liberal media’s job to fact-check a democrat. Or be mortified by their death threats.

Biden must have gotten a prompt in his earpiece from his handlers because he then qualified his threat as a joke:

“No, I’m teasing,” Biden said.

Teasing is making fun of somebody not threatening to run them over.

Biden then announced he was going to floor it and all the reporters backed away from the car because while they do love him, they also recognize his potential for creating disaster.

With that, Biden drove away and this was the most telling moment of the media’s bias: all the reporters laughed and cheered like Biden driving away was some major achievement in his illegitimate presidency.

“Best test driver ever,” said one of the reporters.

I’m sure all of the reporters had to wipe their chins of drool and other bodily fluids after this.

Donald Trump never once threatened to kill a reporter, even in jest, but had he done so, it would have been the end of all things. Trump did point out that they are fake news, which is perfectly demonstrated by this sickening Biden coverage, and they accused him of putting the lives of all journalists in danger.

Joe on the other hand says he’s going to run over a reporter for asking about Israel, and he’s the best mother*cker ever.

Before we get out of here, who is the target consumer for a full-size electric pick-up truck? Liberals don’t drive trucks and people who do don’t want to spend all day charging their vehicle so they can drive it for an hour.