Lego Makes LGBT Playset With Black Drag Queen

Since everything is going “woke” it stands to reason that toymakers want share in the brokenness that comes with it. There’s already a transgender Mr. Potato Head, so why not Lego drag queens? The plastic block company has unveiled an LGBT playset that includes a black drag queen for the 12 people on planet Earth who want to play with something like that.

The Guardian reports:

In the “spraying room” at Lego HQ, tiny figurines are layered with bright, glossy paint before being placed on a rainbow-esque arch. The result, a waterfall of colour with 11 brand new minifigures striding purposefully towards an imagined brighter future, is the Danish toymaker’s inaugural LGBTQIA+ set, titled Everyone Is Awesome.

The colours of the stripes were chosen to reflect the original rainbow flag, along with pale blue, white and pink representing the trans community, and black and brown to acknowledge the diversity of skin tones and backgrounds within the LGBTQIA+ community.

In all but one case no specific gender has been assigned to the figures, who are intended to “express individuality, while remaining ambiguous”.

Now wait for it:

The exception, a purple minifigure with a highly stylised beehive wig, “is a clear nod to all the fabulous drag queens out there”, said the designer, Matthew Ashton, who initially created the set for his own desk.

First of all, this has got to be the lamest playsets ever. It’s just a bunch of colored figures standing in front of an expanded gay pride flag. They should have made a gay bath house playset or some kind of S&M dungeon in which meth rocks can be inserted into the figures’ buttholes.

Now, on to the purple drag queen: it looks like the black one is way more in drag than the purple one. Okay, they’re both drag queens, so I wonder why the designer only chose to highlight the purple one. Racism, I suspect.

In fact, the brown one, supposedly to represent Hispanics, has a black dude’s afro. The red one, while doesn’t appear to be Native America, has fire for hair because apparently he is flaming. The yellow one has stereotypical Chinese “Moe from The Three Stooges” hair. I guess they didn’t get the memo that Asians are the most persecuted people since COVID-19 started.

They did include a white figure, but if you notice, that one is “whitesplaining” something to the pink one. No doubt a result of white privilege and systemic racism that infects everything including lame ass Lego playsets.

This is fun too:

The set goes on sale on 1 June, the start of Pride month, but a few Afols (adult fans of Lego) and Gayfols have been given a preview.

Gayfols? Do they have to put a warning on this product stating it is not intended for anal use? I can guarantee that a Lego corporate lawyer will insist upon such a disclaimer because it seems like something that will almost certainly happen.

This is part of everything going woke and stupid. If you notice, all forms of entertainment is skewing black and gay and it’s completely unentertaining. Corporations, companies, and studios are in the business of making money. Sooner or later they’ll figure out what a bad business decision it is to cater to small fringe groups and maybe things can go back to not sucking.