Please Consider Donating To GoFundMe Campaign To Honor Def-Con News Writer William Munny

As you know, Def-Con News lost beloved writer William Munny recently. His wife Dawn has started a GoFundMe campaign in his honor that you should consider donating to. The thing about this fundraising effort is that the money will go to the Gary Sinise Foundation to help homeless veterans, which is a most worthy cause.

You can check out the GoFundMe page here.

At least give it a visit so you can learn Munny’s real name. I actually never knew until he passed. I also never got that he took his alias from Clint Eastwood’s character in Unforgiven until Jaydoll clued me in.

Also, how awesome is that picture? That’s what I call the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

There are so many bullshit crowdfunding campaigns that get hundreds of thousands of dollars. Let’s try help this non-bullshit one reach the goal and honor a man that gave us so much joy.