Black Panthers Vow To ‘Kill Everything White In Sight’

During a gathering of the Tulsa Black Power Jaycees, the New Black Panther Party vowed to “kill everything white in sight.” Sure, that sounds incredibly racist, but it rhymes and it’s not like this was white supremacists saying they wanted to kill black people, so it’s okay.

To commemorate the Tulsa Race Massacre, which was started when blacks killed 10 white people, the New Black Panther Party picked some random spot in Tulsa to demand reparations and stuff.

First there was this guy with some history revision:

It’s kind of hard to transcribe this guy, but his basic message is that black people were in Tulsa, Oklahoma “one thousand years before Columbus, God damn it.” He then blamed “the greedy-ass white man” for taking their land.

Next, this guy laid out the plans of the New Black Panther Party:

“We’re pushing death to white supremacy, death to capitalism, death to imperialism, and death to fascism. We’re pushing an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a head for a head, and a life for a life,” said the man.

“White supremacists bust us upside the head and drug us over here to pick cotton, so they can get rich, so they can get wealthy,” he continued.

Wait a second, that first guy said black people were here 1,000 years before Columbus and now this one is saying that white supremacists drug black people over here to pick cotton? Something doesn’t add up.

“Black power!” cheered the crowd.

“They put us through vicious suffering, vicious oppression. Once they are buried, we must bury them, dig them up, and kill them again,” he said, which turned into a crowd chant.

White people aren’t zombies.

And finally, this guy explained how the  Black Panthers would achieve this dream:

“Black people will kill everything white in sight because all what you’ve done to us, all of what you’re done in the 6,000 year span and killing 600 million of us and 408 years in particular,” he said.

I’m not sure where this guy is getting his statistics, probably from the 1,000 years before Columbus guy, but I’m pretty sure white people weren’t killing black people in 3979 B.C. Even if this were true, and it’s not, 600 million black deaths over the course of 6,000 years isn’t that bad of a thing. That’s like 100,00 deaths a year which is far below the yearly black death rate worldwide. Over a million sub-Saharan Africans die of malaria every year, just to put things into perspective.

“They are a race that’s trying to hold on to power, and a race has beginning and an ending and your ending time has been made up since 1914, no-good peckerwood,” he added.

What happened in 1914? The Tulsa Race Massacre was in 1921, hence the centennial celebration of the event. Also, who are you calling peckerwood?

So there was a gathering of people calling for the extermination of an entire race and the liberal media completely ignored it. The reason is obvious: this was Black Panthers vowing genocide on white people, which is a positive empowering message according to the fake news industry.

Also, the liberal media has a narrative that white supremacy is the biggest threat to this country and anything that counters that narrative must be disregarded. Images of black people shouting “kill whitey” doesn’t support their lie that white people are violent racists.