Trump Weighs In On New York City’s Third World Mayoral Primary

It’s official, the USA is now a banana republic.

Stunning developments have thrown the New York City mayoral primary into chaos after it was revealed that approximately 135,000 “test” votes were “accidentally” counted, an admission that was made by the city’s Board Of Elections on Tuesday night.

The inaccurate totals have cut into the lead of pro-police Democrat Eric Adams who had successfully campaigned on ending the Democrat crime wave that has swept across the Big Apple under the tenure of Mayor Bill de Blasio, a barely closeted communist whose regime has taken a wrecking ball to New York’s finest and imperiled the safety of law-abiding citizens.

Adams is now forced to watch his chances of being the man to replace Hizzoner and to save New York City from the criminals slowly bleed out as anti-cop de Blasio apparatchik Kathryn Garcia continues to gain ground and could be put over the top by absentee ballots, an estimated 100,000 of them which have yet to be processed and will slowly trickle in over the next week.

If such a mind-blowing situation seems like something out of a third-world banana republic one only needs to think back several months to a similar scenario when then-President Donald J. Trump was clobbering Joe Biden in vote totals before a confluence of mysterious and bizarre circumstances led to his lead being erased in the dead of night.

Trump himself weighed in on the very fishy smell emanating from New York in another of the statements that he has used to get his message out since being de-platformed from all social media outlets that remain heavily invested in propping up a Biden regime that many continue to question the legitimacy of.

According to Trump; “Just like in the 2020 Presidential election, it was announced overnight in New York City that vast irregularities and mistakes were made and that Eric Adams, despite an almost insurmountable lead, may not win the race.” He said.

Trump continued; “The fact is, based on what has really happened, nobody will ever know who really won.” He added, “The Presidential Race was a Scam and a Hoax with numbers and results being found that are massive, shocking and determinative.”

“Watch the mess you are about to see in New York City, it will go on forever.” He said, “They should close the books and do it all over again, the old-fashioned way when we had results that were accurate and meaningful.”

Much to the dismay of Democrats, malicious RINOs like Liz Cheney, and the media, Trump is refusing to back down on his insistence that the election wasn’t on the up-and-up, claims that could be confirmed when the audit in Arizona’s Maricopa County releases its results – if they aren’t blocked by Biden’s corrupt Justice Department.

Meanwhile, in New York, Adams who is a former police officer issued a statement through his campaign saying that the new vote totals after the “mistake” raise “serious questions about the integrity of the process.

According to the statement; “The vote total just released by the Board of Elections is 100,000-plus more than the total announced on election night, raising serious questions,” reads the statement. “We have asked the Board of Elections to explain such a massive increase and other irregularities before we comment on the Ranked Choice Voting projection.”

“We remain confident that Eric Adams will be the next mayor of New York because he put together a historic five-borough working-class coalition of New Yorkers to make our city a safer, fairer, more affordable place.” The statement said.

Despite the optimistic tone from Adams’ campaign, the sudden reversal of fortune hit like a kick in the head and he has to know that in a familiar pattern, the absentee ballots will not be favorable to him.

For decades, the rigging of elections in foreign countries has been a staple of the Deep State intelligence agencies, now the chickens have come home to roost with a malignantly corrupt political party adopting their tactics for domestic use.