Pressure Applied To Biden Regime On Mandatory Vaccine Passports

Mark of the beast or just the Chinese social credit system?

Even as much of America has returned to some degree of normalcy after a hellish year of COVID mass hysteria, there are those who continue to work on influencing the Biden regime to take the plunge into full-blown totalitarianism.

To this point, the White House has resisted the idea of mandating the controversial idea of vaccine passports, an all-encompassing form of tracking and surveillance that many have compared to communist China’s notorious social credit system but with enthusiasm for the vaccines ebbing, much lobbying is ongoing to persuade Biden to change course.

With a renewed wave of fearmongering over the mysterious Delta variant serving as the impetus for renewed lockdowns and other unprecedented measures, those who have benefited the most from a state of medical martial law are hoping to influence Biden and his handlers that relying on the “public-private partnership” is insufficient and that to spur holdouts to get “the jab” the government is going to need to get involved.

One of those seeking to get Biden’s ear when it comes to mandatory vaccine passports is Dr. Leana Wen, a Georgetown University professor who has become a fixture on CNN and who is determined to whip up hysteria over the Delta variant and last week called for renewed indoor mask mandates.

According to Wen who is quoted in an article by <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>The Hill</a>; <em>“The Biden administration shouldn’t be so squeamish about vaccine verification,”</em> she said, adding that <em>“There are a lot of people in the middle. They’re not eager to get the vaccine, but they’re also not anti-vaxxers. They need an additional push. And that push is still not there, because we have not been requiring proof of vaccination in order to return to normal.”</em>

Two months ago, Wen went on CNN where she insisted that it needed to be made clear to those who have not obeyed, that the only “ticket” to regaining their freedom is to line up and roll up their sleeves. That American freedom is dependent on the decisions of the tyranny of unelected medical “experts” instead of the U.S. Constitution seems to be the opinion of the Chinese-born Wen

Also quoted by The Hill is Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar for Johns Hopkins University’s Center For Health Security who said that once the Moderna and Phizer mRNA vaccines get full FDA approval that it will make it much easier for Biden to mandate the domestic social credit system.

<em> “I think that the administration needs to really push on the FDA to get full licensure of these vaccines, because I think that’s one thing that’s holding back those mandates,”</em> he said.

However, a federal mandate for vaccine passports could be problematic in the states where elected officials have banned such intrusive tracking measures as being discriminatory and anti-American and The Hill also quotes Georges Benjamin who serves as the executive director of the American Public Health Association.

According to Benjamin; <em>“In the places where we’re looking at right now, it will get very political very fast,” he said, “The states we’re talking about, these are the same states that were anti-mask, didn’t believe COVID existed, had elected leaders who downplayed it in some situations and either closed too late or opened too early. And I guess I just don’t have the trust that even if they tried to mandate it, that it would turn out OK.”</em>

Benjamin points out that <em>”you will get such enormous pushback. What happens when someone takes it to court, and the judge says no? Then it undermines the whole effort.”</em>

Will Biden who was dealt an embarrassing political setback when the White House admitted that his goal of 70 percent fully vaccinated by July 4th wasn’t going to happen turn to China as an inspiration to get the numbers up?