Who Was the Better First Lady?

I don’t like polls either, but it seems they’re everywhere. And here’s one I couldn’t resist. Also, I thought it would be fun to pass on to you, Def-Con News readers, this poll with which I’ve taken liberty. This from thegatewaypundit.com with slight creativity.

Who was the better First Lady?

Who was the better First Lady?


Well, certainly as First Ladies are concerned, Melania Trump is a true lady and has never been given credit by the left stream media for all she does. Nancy Reagan too was a class act. And, of course, memories of Camelot and Jackie Kennedy are likewise pleasant.

However, given that the poll in question gave us the choice of the two above: Barack or Meechelle, let’s limit our choice to these two.

Who was the better first lady, Barack or Meechelle?