Kamala Harris Emerges From Exile To Throw World’s Worst BBQ

In early June Kamala Harris took her first trip outside the U.S. as the illegitimate vice president and it was a disaster. By the end of the month, even the liberal media had turned on her and the White House handlers decided they should put Kamaltoe on ice for a while. Well, the exile is over and Harris is back showing why people hate her so much by throwing the world’s worst barbecue.

To answer the piece in Politico that reported Kamala Harris treats her staff like shit, she threw a little shindig at her pad on Thursday and invited a bunch of people that nobody knows who they are. This was billed as a barbecue, but there is no evidence that was the case.

Harris made no mention of this momentous occasion on either of her Twitter accounts, but some of her staff were forced to praise their hostess/overlord. Here’s Harris’ personal aid, Opal Vadhan:

WTF is a post-4th of July BBQ? A 4th of July barbecue is a thing but a post-4th would just be called a barbecue. It has nothing to do with the 4th of July.

I hate to break it to Kamaltoe but that ain’t a barbecue. Barbecues are held outdoors and usually involve people eating barbecued food. Hardly anyone in those pictures is eating anything or is anywhere near something that resembles barbecue food. Also, who has a barbecue on a Thursday?

And while we’re at it, how come Harris is barely in any of the pictures? There’s a couple shots of her from behind, but none with her smiling and cackling with her staff.

Because there was apparently only one camera with less than ten shots left at the “barbecue,” Harris’ chief spokesperson Symone Sanders tweeted out some of the same pictures:

Is it weird that Kamala’s spokesperson tweeted that she had a good time with Harris but didn’t have any actual pictures together with her? I think so.

Speaking of recycled pictures, here’s Harris’ assistant press secretary, Rachel Palermo’s post:

If only there were such a thing as a mobile device with a camera that could take pictures and post them to social media. Instead, there are only these 8 shots that don’t show a barbecue or people having fun with Kamala Harris.

And seriously, where’s the f*cking food? There was only one plate of food that was moved around as a prop for weird-looking minority guys:

If there was an actual barbecue at Kamaltoe’s on Thursday, they certainly did a great job of concealing it.

Kamala Harris is as phony as she is full of baloney, so here’s what actually happened: To counter the bad press that she treats her staff like shit, she ordered them to come over and pretend like they were having a good time. They started staging pictures when someone noticed that there was no food at this alleged barbecue so she threw some leftovers on a plate and gave it to a man of ambiguous race and sexuality to hold.

Also, Kamala recently got a lot of shit for throwing a very white dinner party, so she made her staff bring their ethnic friends to make it look as diverse as possible.

And to drive home the sheer incompetence of this woman, Kamala Harris can’t even throw a barbecue or stage one and make it look legit.