Biden Demonstrates That He Can’t Count To 3

We know Joe Biden sucks at math but it’s usually in the form of vastly overstating numbers like when he said he’d put 720 million women back to work or when he claimed 150 million Americans have been murdered by guns since 2007. He also really stinks at preschool level math as he demonstrated on Wednesday when he was unable to count to 3.

Fresh from announcing that his butt had been wiped, Biden went to a Mack Truck factory in Pennsylvania to further embarrass himself. After pretending to be folksy by taking his jacket off, Biden explained why he ran for president:

“When uh when I said I was running, when I announced my campaign — and not many people took it seriously, I said I was running for three reasons,” started Biden.

At least he admits that his campaign has been a joke since day one. Let’s have a look at those three reasons why he ran:

“One, to restore the soul of this country, a sense of decency and honor,” Biden said.

That’s one, what else ya got?

“But secondly, to rebuild the backbone of the country, hardworking middle-class folks who built this country. And, I want to point out, unions built the middle class. That’s not a joke,” said Biden.

Ok, that’s two. What’s the third reason he promised to give us? Unfortunately, that never came. He rambled on for another 30 minutes, never once mentioning that third reason.

The illegitimate president of the United States can’t count to 3 and that should bother every person in this country. The only way this isn’t terrifying is if there are more than 2 steps to launch the nukes.

Functionally braindead coma patients can tap out the number three. I’ve seen horses who can’t stomp their hooves and count even higher than three. Joe Biden however can only get to 2.

Come to think of it, I’ve never even seen Biden hold up 3 fingers. He can do one finger okay:

He’s not bad with 2 fingers either:

But never three fingers at the same time.

Not surprisingly, Biden’s inability to count to 3 comes with a big lie. He never gave 3 reasons why he was running when he announced his campaign, he only gave one. Biden announced his candidacy on April 25, 2019 with this video:

In the video, the single reason why Biden says he’s running for president is because of the lie he kept telling that Trump said there were good Nazis in Charlottesville. That’s the only reason he gives. He mentions the “soul of America” but doesn’t list that as a reason why he’s running. He certainly never said shit about “rebuilding the backbone of the country,” unions, or whatever the mystery third reason he claims.

Biden’s a liar and he can’t count to 3. The liberal media will never fact check his lies or question his mental capabilities because they are the Ministry of Propaganda for the democratic party. If they won’t call him out when he announces his butt’s been wiped, they sure as hell are going to say anything when he figurative wipes his but with the truth.