Biden Claims He Used To Drive An 18-Wheeler

Joe Biden’s fantasy world just got a blue-collar twist. While touring a Mack Truck factory, the illegitimate president claimed he used to drive an 18-wheeler. He’s a beer-drinking’ ass-scratchin’ truck-driving’ son-of-a-bitch. In a surprise twist, someone from the main stream media actually fact-checked this lie, making it the funniest thing of the week.

After demonstrating that he can’t count to 3, Biden put his lies and dementia on display at the Pennsylvania truck factory:

“Well anyway, I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man,” Biden said. “I got to.”

This is an obvious lie since if Biden had actually been a big-rig driver, he would bring it up constantly like his job as a lifeguard where he let little kids rub his hairy legs. Also, he’s been a politician for almost his entire adult life, so when did he find time to be a long-haul trucker?

This is already pretty funny but it got hilarious because Fox News called Biden out on his latest fantastic claim:

When asked if the president had ever driven such a truck, a White House spokesperson pointed to a December 1973 article from the Wilmington Evening Journal that showed Biden rode in an 18-wheeler on a 536-mile haul to Ohio.

Riding in an 18-wheeler is driving it? By that measure I have driven a Greyhound bus, engineered a monorail, and piloted an airliner jet. Hell, on my recent vacation to San Diego I captained the U.S.S Midway aircraft carrier.

Fox News pressed the spokesperson about the president’s claim – noting that riding in a truck is not the same as driving one – at which point the president’s spokesperson pointed to a United Federation of Teachers post that touched on Biden driving a school bus in the past as a summer job.

Clearly a school bus is not an 18-Wheeler and I’m going to call bullshit on Biden having ever driven one. Again, if he actually had a job driving a school bus, he would regale us with stories about how he let little kids sit on his lap while he drove down a bumpy country road.

Give credit to Fox, they kept pushing this while any other media outlet would have let it go:

Fox News pressed again about the president’s claim, pointing out that a school bus is not the same as an 18-wheeler truck, but did not receive a response by publishing time.

If I were Fox I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a response. The White House has an “understanding” with the media that they aren’t supposed to question Joe’s bullshit or insanity.

Biden usually pretends like he was a college professor but he also likes to pretend his rich privileged ass is really a blue-collar slob’s ass. In the advanced stages of dementia, he is highly suggestible so when he toured a Mack Truck factory, he naturally thought he was a truck driver. When he goes to the Tyson meat-processing facility, he’ll claim he used to be a chicken.