Kamala Gets Wrecked so Badly by Polls That She’s ‘Underwater’

During the 2020 democrat presidential primary campaign, Kamala Harris wiped out badly, By the time she exited the race, she was a full speed train load of crap headed for a nearby cliff. This from redstate.com.

Despite the fact that she fancied herself a top contender, she never caught fire, in part because she simply is unlikeable and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) annihilated her in one particular debate. Not to mention her unbelievability and her demonstrated flip-flopping. Black and female voters weren’t warming up to her. She ended up dropping out before even the first primary votes were counted.

She also had a lot of troublesome negatives and too much baggage to explain away, with the left really not liking her for what she did when she was California attorney general, plus there was her history as Willie Brown’s under study.

Nevertheless Joe Biden, being Joe Biden and a screw up in his right, picked her because of her gender and her race. Now, he’s caught between a hot mob and a cold crack because she’s not only not caught fire, she’s underwater in popularity, according to recent polls, and democrats are realizing her inabilities.

According to The Telegraph, Kamala Harris has become the most unpopular vice president since at least the 1970s, with polls showing that she’s now underwater with more Americans disapproving than approving of her job performance.

From MRC:

A recent RealClearPolitics report has Harris’ average favorability at a mere 45 percent — with respondents who view her unfavorably a point higher at 46 percent.

Included in the average is the Economist/YouGov poll conducted between July 24 and July 27, those who view Harris unfavorably came in at 48 percent.

It’s not surprising, given that the very high profile assignment she received — the border- – has blown up into a true scandal, with the massive number of people just being allowed in.

As reported by The Hill, even democrats are now quite nervous about putting her out there on the road when normally she would be delegated to push for candidates in 2022.

“As of right now, I think she has the potential of doing more harm than good for some of these candidates,” said one Democratic strategist. “My sense is she’ll probably raise a lot of money and maybe she’ll go to some specific districts, but they’ll have to be really strategic with her.”

“She doesn’t have the standing at this moment to go to a lot of these tighter districts,” the strategist added.

No one is coming out and saying she’s doing an amazing job, because the first question would be ‘On what?’” acknowledged one Harris ally. “She’s made a bunch of mistakes and she’s made herself a story for good and bad.”

To reiterate, Harris is unlikeable and she’s terrible at what she does.

Add to that the complete lack of a central core, that she’ll say anything for political power plus the disturbing cackle, which my colleague Jim Thompson emphasized in his cartoon earlier. You get someone who may well wrest away Hillary Clinton’s crown as most unlikeable.

This provides Republicans with something to smile about and it places democrats in a real conundrum in determining what to do about 2022. Many of us hope this is karma biting them in the ass, and they deserve it. They signed on to all this, and now it just may sink them.