Elizabeth Warren Says Abortion Makes Our Democracy Function

I have tried to get inside the minds of liberals to make sense of their garbage but it’s a scary place to be. Elizabeth Warren says abortion is what makes out democracy function. What the hell does that even mean? I can only assume that democrats are at the point where they just throw buzzwords into a blender and make bullshit smoothies they hope people will drink.

Warren did an entire interview with Teen Vogue in which she linked voting rights to abortion. She kicked it off by saying, “Each intersects with the other. A right-wing minority in this country has pushed for the appointment of a federal bench that is hostile to these basic rights. The Supreme Court is poised either to undercut Roe even further, or to overturn it altogether. They’ve already gutted a big part of the Voting Rights Act.”

Federal bench appointments come from the President of the United States who is elected by the will of the people, so to say that a right-wing minority is packing the courts is a lie. So is claiming that voting rights are synonymous with killing unborn babies, something she kept saying over and over in this interview:

“The states are taking on long-established, constitutional principles — the principle that American citizens have a right to vote and to get that vote counted, the principle that people have a right to an abortion. Those principles are being so thoroughly undermined at the state level that the urgency of federal action intensifies every day,” said Warren.

Abortion isn’t a principal let alone a right. In fact, there’s a good argument to be made that killing innocent babies as a matter of convenience is the least principled thing a person could do.

She just kept going with this garbage:

“I routinely have conversations that start out as a discussion about voting and quickly become a discussion about abortion. I also regularly have conversations that start as discussions about abortion and quickly become conversations about voting. Because both have constitutional footing,” Warren said.

Neither have “Constitutional footing.” Voting is an expressed Constitutional right and abortion is legal based a really bad Supreme Court decision. Also, she seems fun. I imagine having a conversation with Elizabeth Warren is kind of like someone slowly drilling a hole in your skull with a dull rusty bit.

And finally, the mutha of all bullshit arguments:

“Both voting and access to abortion are basic. They’re about the functioning of our democracy and about the protection of personal autonomy,” said Warren.

Yes, voting is the basic component of democracy but how does killing unborn babies figure into this? No really, WTF?

“You can’t have democracy without sexually irresponsible people killing their babies because it would be inconvenient to raise them,” is the all-time most f*cked up thing a democrat has ever said.

Plus, let’s be honest here, abortion is the ultimate form of voter suppression. If you kill a human before they are born, they sure as shit won’t ever get a chance to vote. I would imagine if it were possible to poll the unborn, they would vote to be birthed over getting chopped up in utero and sucked out like cleaning a porto-potty.

Democrats support for abortion is indefensible and they know it, so they they try make it seem like it’s something other than killing a human being. They say it’s “basic health care” or “infrastructure.” Now Elizabeth Warren is escalating this ruse by claiming that abortion is a basic function of democracy and the same thing as voting.