TMI From AOC: ‘You Look At Me Funny, I’m Two Weeks Late For My Period’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t understand how anything works; economics, government, life, etc…,so it’s no surprise she’s baffled by human reproduction. During a Congressional hearing, dimwit NY Rep. suggested that, due to her diminutive size, she can get pregnant if someone looks at her funny. Because of this, AOC argued, there should be no restrictions on abortion.

House democrats held a hearing to rage against the recent Texas “Heart Beat” law that bans abortions after 6 weeks. AOC was up in arms because there isn’t an exemption for victims of incest and rape and she claimed that 6 weeks isn’t enough time for a woman to know if they are pregnant.

Texas doctor Ingrid Skop, who supports the Heart Beat law, testified that 6 weeks is plenty of time for a woman to know if she is pregnant.

“In the case of a rape, women generally know that they’ve been raped,” said Skop.

While that seems like a non-controversial and entirely true statement, naturally AOC disagreed.

“When you are raped, you don’t always know what happened to you and I speak about this as a survivor,” Ocasio-Cortez shot back. “Sometimes it takes years to realize what actually went on.”

If a woman doesn’t know until years later that she was raped, chances are, she wasn’t raped. AOC seems to be arguing that women should be allowed to abort their babies years after they are born. That’s not even infanticide, it’s straight-up murder.

AOC is laying out the impossible-to-believe scenario of a woman who never had sex, with a 3-year-old-baby one day suddenly going, “Oh, I bet I was raped.”

Somehow AOC’s rant got dumber:

“I’m a buck 15. I’m 115 pounds. You look at me funny, I’m two weeks late for my period and you’re supposed to expect me to know I’m pregnant?” AOC exclaimed.

If looking at AOC funny knocks her up, she must be in a constant state of impregnation. As dumb as she is, the only way people look at her is funny. Every time she opens her mouth, people look at her like “Are you serious? and “What the hell is wrong with you?” Nobody has ever looked at her with admiration or respect because she’s an idiot lunatic.

Also, she is funny looking so any time she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror, BOOM, she’s pregnant. No wonder AOC is so pro-abortion, she needs one every day because all people do is look at her funny.

AOC then said it was “unbelievable” that Republicans called Ingrid Skop, an actual doctor, as witness on a medical issue. Yes, AOC has a degree in economic and has no idea how money works, and is a U.S. Representative who doesn’t understand how the government works, but not everybody is a moron like her. Only she would argue that a doctor has no business testifying on matters of health and medicine.

What’s unbelievable is that AOC says women don’t know when they’ve been raped and that she can get pregnant from a funny look. Actually what’s truly unbelievable is that someone this ignorant has been elected to Congress twice.