Portland Forms Special Police Unit To Fight Rising Murder Rate But Cops Don’t Want To Join

The city of Portland, Oregon, has finally figured out that it needs police to fight violent crime.

As the murder rate in the city rises, city leaders have decided to put together a special unit to combat the problem.

Unfortunately for them, there aren’t many police who want the job. But who can blame them?

The Portland, Oregon, police department is struggling to fill a patrol designed to combat the rising murder rate.

Only four police officers have applied to fill the 14 spots on the Focused Initiative Team, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

Lt. Greg Pashley did not confirm an exact number of applicants but told the Washington Examiner that “not very many people applied.”

The team is a reincarnation of the Gun Violence Reduction Team, which was shut down last year amid the racial justice protests that included calls for police reform.

“The chief’s office is now working on choosing sergeants first, then working to assemble the rest of the team. There is no specific date for the team to be formed,” Pashley said, adding that nobody has been assigned to the team yet.

Some law enforcement leaders say anti-police sentiment is responsible for the reportedly low interest in the new patrol.

“They’re demonizing and vilifying you, and then they want to put you in a unit where you’re under an even bigger microscope,” Daryl Turner, head of the union that represents Portland’s officers, said.

Who would want this job?

What the hell did Portland city leaders think would happen by disrespecting and defunding the police? Their actions are beyond stupidity. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Portland crime is yet another example of liberal progressive democrat communists’ inability to anticipate the consequences of their malformed intentions. Pelosi, Schumer, and the democrat party machine were so intent on ridding themselves of President Trump who is equally intent on draining the deep state swamp that they saw the Defund Police movement as a useful tool, along with the election steal and the pandemic lockdowns.

Well now they’re unable to put this nearly destroyed ship back on course. Do you think they’re beginning to realize they’ve gone too far? Do you think any of them are thinking, ‘Maybe Portland and other cities shouldn’t have spent the last year demonizing the police’?

Now, like everything else the democrats screw up, America must be returned to strong Republican leadership to effect corrective action and a return to normal.

President Trump you are missed, sir.