Traitor Alexander Vindman Blames 600,000 COVID-19 Deaths On Failure To Remove Trump From Office

You remember Alexander Vindman, right? He was the former Army Lt. Col. who betrayed his country to help the democrats stage a coup against President Trump. The star witness in the democrats’ sham impeachment (the first one) has written a book that nobody will buy and went on MSNBC to promote it. One of his more fantastic claims is that had the Senate voted to remove Trump, the COVID-19 pandemic would have never happened and 600,000 Americans would still be alive.

As you can see in this video, Vindman isn’t important enough to talk with Joe Scarborough or Mika Brzezinksi. You may also notice that he’s a blithering idiot, who has trouble articulating a coherent thought. In fact…

“I think the Congress, the Senate, in particular, Senate Republicans abrogated their responsibilities under the Constitution, and under the specific oath they swore during the trial. There’s a direct logic link to the 600,000 dead. If the president was held accountable and removed, we would have 600,000 more Americans walking the streets today. If they censured him, the president would have been on his heels, and he probably would have been more cautious going into Covid. We wouldn’t have had an economic disaster,” claimed Vindman.

A direct logic link? Let’s try to trace that logic link and see is we can support Vindman’s outrageous claim that failing to remove Trump from office directly resulted in 600,000 American COVID-19 deaths.

Had the Senate voted for Trump to be removed from office for no particular reason, Mike Pence would have become the president. Pence, if you remember, was put in charge of the administration’s COVID-19 response as well as developing the vaccine. There would have been no difference in how the United States responded to the pandemic whether it was Trump or Pence in the White House.

Then there’s the fact that COVID-19 was and is a reality. It wouldn’t have mattered who was the President of the United States. This virus hit every single country in the world with equal ferocity. Had Trump been removed, it wouldn’t have magically stopped COVID-19 at our borders or made our people immune from the illness.

Let’s not forget that COVID-19 was already in this country before Trump’s Senate impeachment trial. Thanks to the Chinese communists lying about and covering up their release of the doomsday virus, COVID-19 was already infecting people in the U.S. as early as November 2019. Trump’s first impeachment trial was in January 2020 and concluded in February of that year.

Finally, 200,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 since Joe Biden stole the White House. There were 400,000 deaths when Biden was inaugurated, so a third of the deaths were on his watch. Also, Biden had the advantage of the vaccine developed by the previous administration and still lost 200,000 Americans in 6 months while the 400,000 under Trump died in a period longer than a year.

The only direct logic link here is between Alexander Vindman being full of shit and him being a traitor to his country.

To prove what an astounding idiot he is, if he had hung on instead of being a little bitch, he’d be running the military right now. Vindman wasn’t fired from the Army, he resigned because he was denied a promotion. If he had waited until Biden stole the 2020 election, Crazy Joe would have made him a 5-Star general and head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.