Still Think Liz Cheney Is a Republican?

Does anyone still doubt that certain “Republicans” are clandestinely positioned to be the democrats’ “controlled” opposition?  This from

Here’s a short list of reasons to believe as much:

But the worst of the worst is the execrable Liz Cheney (political public enemy #1 in Wyoming).

Besides voting to impeach President Trump, she is a poster child for endless wars in the Middle East (just like her father) and has accused the Republican Party of being the “party of white supremacy.”

And now she’s providing political cover for Nancy Pelosi’s “J6 commission,” which is nothing but a hyper-partisan show trial aimed at justifying The Hologram regime’s weaponization of the federal government against Trump supporters and other political enemies.

This is all Cheney is good for these days, politically speaking, as even Caspar Milquetoast Kevin McCarthy has called her a “Pelosi Republican.” You know you’ve nearly hit bottom when McCarthy has to say something “nasty” about you in order to preserve his political credibility as a leader in his own caucus.

Money is the mother’s milk of politics, and democrats are using Cheney’s traitorous behavior for fundraising to try to preserve the democrat majority in the face of the building Republican tsunami in 2022. Check this out from an email on Monday that was sent to New York democrats:

Disgusting, yes? Anyone still possessing doubts that certain “Republicans” are established, and likely paid extra on the side, to infiltrate and sabotage the Republican Party? I cease to be surprised by the amount of corruption emanating from the democrat communist party machine.