Commentary—Wake Up, RINOs!

It’s hard to believe, but historically Republicans and democrats were merely opposition parties. They had a few shared objectives — prosperity, liberty, and national security. However, they had very different ideas about how to achieve those objectives. It was a political environment well suited to debate and compromise. Anyone under the age of 40, likely doesn’t remember anything about that kind American politics. The following is from John Green on

The election of 2000 changed everything. Bluntly stated, something significant and transforming occurred. George W. Bush won the presidential election by a mere 537 votes. And, of course, losing in such a narrow fashion was too much for the democrats to cope with. In their rage, they went insane.

The democrat party has always had radical elements. But up until 2001, the party hierarchy had mostly kept them at bay.

In that year, surrendering to their insanity, they welcomed the guidance of radical leftists — and the purges began. With primary challenges, the leftists began driving moderates from the Democrat party. They even forced Joe Liebermann out of the party — and he had been their vice presidential candidate in the election of 2000. A mere 20 years after that devastating election loss, the likes of Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ilhan Omar are now the soul of the party. The Democrats no longer share any meaningful common ground with Republicans.

After the leftists had taken over the democrat party, the attacks on Republicans changed. There was even a political commercial that portrayed Congressman Paul Ryan pushing a wheelchair-bound grandmother off a cliff. They were no longer arguing that Republican policies were wrong. They were arguing that all Republicans were evil. In classic fashion, their war preparations had begun. The democrat push to dehumanize Republicans was underway.

And then, before audiences of thousands, Barack Obama called Republicans the enemy. The Republicans were no longer the opposition — now they were the enemy.

Further, democrats had become disinclined to work with Republicans. Their objective was to destroy the Republicans — and they made no secret about it. Even when Republicans offered to work with the democrats, they were told, “We won. You lost.” The war between right and left was pulled out in the open for all to see. A New York Times reporter even referred to Trump supporters as “enemies of the state.” Whether the political right wishes to admit it or not, the left has made its intentions clear — these people are at war with Republicans and their conservative fellow travelers.

Republicans in general, and RINOs in particular, need to wake up and realize that the Steele dossier, Crossfire Hurricane, and two impeachments were not about Trump. None of this was done because The Donald sends mean tweets. These attacks were done because he had denied them their “rightful victory.” He dashed their dream to become our unchallenged rulers. Does anyone believe that had Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, or Jeb Bush been elected, he would have been spared similar attacks? When Mitt Romney (their ideal Republican) ran in 2012, was he spared? The Democrats would not have extended a hand of cooperation to any Republican president. They would have extended the same clenched fist which they presented to Donald Trump.

Since Biden’s inauguration (he was inaugurated alright, but he was not legally elected), the attacks have escalated. The democrats, and their leftist allies, are determined never to allow another conservative to dethrone them. Observation of their tactics reveals there is no limit beyond which they will not go to retain power. They are seeking to:

  • Silence political opposition

  • Pack the Supreme Court

  • Weaponize government against its citizens

  • Nationalize elections and institutionalize election fraud

  • Indoctrinate our children

  • Manage the population with propaganda

  • Suppress our freedom of speech

  • Restrict our freedom of assembly (religious and political)

  • Eliminate our right to self-defense

  • Ally their party with rioters and looters

In short, democrats are willing to destroy the American dream to retain power. This will require tyranny — which they are quite comfortable with as long as they’re the tyrants. Doubters of that statement, recall that Joe Biden’s inaugural address was the first in U.S. history delivered solely to an armed military contingent. If given their way, leftists will turn America into Cuba of the North — with their ally the democrat party.

If conservatives seek liberty, and our opposition seeks tyranny, it’s foolish to think we can compromise — and immoral to try. Every Republican needs to realize that the time for compromise is past. Democrats allow Republican participation only when it supports their bipartisan narrative. Negotiating a bipartisan infrastructure bill doesn’t serve the American people. It shows support for those who are trying to oppress our liberties. To think we can fight them on the oppression front but find common ground for infrastructure is wrong-headed. It’s the modern-day equivalent of the “he makes the trains run on time” rationalization. Listen up, RINOs: if they are trying to destroy America, we don’t care if a few bridges get fixed — get your priorities straight.

This brings us to “the Vichy Republicans” — aka the “Pelosi Republicans.” Whether through stupidity, vanity, or sympathy, they are helping the enemies of liberty. San Fran Nan’s January 6 inquisition includes only those Republicans who will reliably support the Democrat narrative — and specifically excludes any Republicans who would ask hard questions. It’s not a true investigation. It’s political theater, with Republican useful idiots as the star performers.

It’s time to end the charade of comity. The left will accuse conservatives of being extremists. But as Barry Goldwater famously said, “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” It’s time to defend liberty with the same passion that leftists have employed in imposing Marxism.

The past six months have been a time for Republicans to choose — and they have. Some have chosen liberty, while others are enabling tyranny. Some stood as patriots, and suffered for it, while others chose to be Vichy and stand with the oppressors.

The time will come when the electorate will judge the Vichy. Next year, the voters will decide whether to reward or punish them for their treachery. And, of course, there are many voters who feel “next year” will be too late. The damage to the nation will have been effected. They wanted the usurpation to be ended sooner–with bloodshed if necessary.

In 1945, the French dealt with the Vichy by shaving their heads and ostracizing them. In 2022, primary challenges will probably suffice.

Each two-year election cycle for the last twenty-plus years true conservatives have been saying, “This election is to save liberty.” Or some such dribble suitable for bumper sticker stardom. And each two year cycle conservatism slides further and further toward the edge of the abyss.

When President Trump won in 2016, my naivete encouraged me to believe the war was over, conservatism had won, and all things were to become good again at long last.

But wrong again. The barrage launched at Donald Trump during the election season was intensified immediately following his election. The democrats fully intended to give no quarter throughout the Trump presidency.

And now, I submit, conservatism must operate under the old adage: Paybacks Are Hell.

This decades-long ongoing war between the two prominent American political parties must quickly be realized by conservatives is truly a battle between liberty and tyranny. If conservatism and freedom are to survive, We the People, the deplorable patriots MUST STOP playing nice.