Creepy Joe Sniffs Another Little Girl

Part of restricting and scripting Joe Biden’s public appearances means the illegitimate president hasn’t had as much access to little girls to creep on. Thankfully Biden’s handlers threw some fresh meat into Joe’s cage and he was able to sniff a little girl at a White House bill signing. He thanked his handlers’ generosity by being a rambling embarrassment.

On Thursday, Biden signed a bill awarding Capitol and Metropolitan police officers who let knuckleheads infiltrate the Capitol on January 6 with Congressional gold medals. Talk about the ultimate participation trophy.

Joe kicked things off by explaining once again how the mild protests of January 6 were way worse than the Civil War:

If only 4 Confederates died and there were no Union fatalities, then January 6 and the Civil War would be about the same. Instead, 4 “insurrectionists” died on January 6 and no cops, Congress Members, or innocent bystanders perished, while 750,000 were killed in the Civil War on both sides. This is not a close comparison.

Then Biden tried to relate to the police officers with this bizarre folksy tale:

FWIW, this is what I think Biden said:

“I got to know you. You’re the same ones after a ballgame in a visiting field who come walking out of the gym after you won and you may get jumped by the other team or their supporters. You may be all by yourself, the only one standing there, when you watch six people jump one of our teammates. What the hell would you do? You’d jump in, you’d jump in, knowing you’re gonna have the hell beat out of you, too,” said Biden.

Okay, we got an exaggerated lie and some incoherent rambling so we only need a little creepiness to complete the Biden hat-trick. Oh wait, here it is:

I know I said Biden sniffed this little girl’s hair but watching it again, he appears to try to eat it. Maybe a sniff, then a gobble. He also gives her a rubdown and tells her a little secret. No doubt with instructions for her to not tell her parents.

This is not normal. Even if Biden didn’t have a long disturbing history of creeping on little girls, this is still inappropriate. You don’t put your hands on other people’s children. You sure as shit don’t sniff their hair and whisper creepy nothings in their ears. I think even Andrew “The Luv Gov” Cuomo would say this is over the line.

It’s going to take Biden slipping a little girl the tongue for the liberal media to admit there may be a problem. Even then, they’d spin it as Biden orally relating to a younger generation.