A small group of Black Lives Matter losers showed up outside the Fox News headquarters in NYC and burned an American flag yesterday. They then threatened to burn Fox to the ground for being “Zionists.” Obviously this is some of that “white supremacy” that illegitimate president Joe Biden says is the biggest threat facing the country.
Journalist Elad Eliahu captured this fiery but mostly peaceful social justice rally in front of Fox on Wednesday:
Earlier today a small group of BLM protesters gathered outside Fox News HQ in midtown Manhattan to protest the media company
“You’re all racist, you’re nazis, you’re zionists, you’re KKK” pic.twitter.com/To9Wa2Sw53
— Elad Eliahu (@elaadeliahu) August 12, 2021
“You’re not here for us. You’re all racist, you’re nazis, you’re zionists, you’re KKK, you’re Proud Boys, and probably a bunch of policemen,” said a BLM idiot on a megaphone.
How can someone simultaneously be a Nazi and a Zionist? Also, isn’t calling someone a Zionist a tad bit racist?
“Black people are dying and you’re not talking about that,” added the idiot.
Not true, Fox News constantly reports on the black-on-black violence responsible for killing thousands of black people every year. It’s the other more liberal networks that won’t touch those stories.
The BLM thugs then lit an American flag on fire and stoked the blaze with a picture of Tucker Carlson:
protesters light an American flag and a picture of @TuckerCarlson outside Fox News HQ pic.twitter.com/P6BxRL96QL
— Elad Eliahu (@elaadeliahu) August 12, 2021
It’s hard to make out what the idiot with the megaphone is saying, but he uses the word “barbecue” quite often. Someone else says, “Tucker is burning.” I’d also like to give a shoutout to the fat black woman at the end of the clip flipping the bird. She seems nice.
Finally, the BLM terrorists threatened to burn the Fox News headquarters to the ground:
A protester lights a smoke signal outside Fox News HQ in Midtown pic.twitter.com/ebveFYBaOd
— Elad Eliahu (@elaadeliahu) August 12, 2021
A BLM loser holding a smoke bomb said something to the effect of, “Stop Nazi [who] villainize us or we bring real smoke.”
So the terrorists who burned Tucker Carlson in effigy and are threatening to torch Fox are upset that the network makes them look like villains? I think Black Lives Matter does a pretty good job on their own of portraying themselves as violent shitbags.
It would appear that BLM’s beef with Fox News is that the network accurately reported on the activities of the Marxist terrorist organization. BLM didn’t show up at any of the other major networks with this complaint so in a way it’s like they are admitting that only Fox News is real news.
Try to imagine a group of white guys standing in front of MSNBC headquarters, threatening to burn it down and desecrating a picture of Rachel Maddow. That would be considered a heinous threat against the free press and an assault on democracy. BLM thugs doing this to Fox isn’t even worth covering for obvious liberal double-standard and selective liberal outrage reasons.