Bernie Sanders Endorses Violent Leftist Mob Action Against GOP

Hillary Clinton said that democrats cannot and will not be civil towards Republicans. Former AG Eric Holder told democrats to kick Republicans. Maxine Waters instructed her minions to harass and attack Republicans wherever they may be. The liberal mob is definitely listening as Republicans and conservatives are accosted, swarmed, and shot all over the country. When asked about whether he approves of this violent leftist behavior, Bernie Sanders said he is totally cool with it.

Sanders was on CNN’s State of the Union when this exchange happened:

“Should people who are Republican officials be disrupted when they are eating a meal at a restaurant? Is it appropriate for protesters to be banging on the doors of the Supreme Court? That’s really what the debate is about,” asked host Jake Tapper.

The correct answer here is, “No Republicans shouldn’t be attacked and harassed. We need to be civil in hashing out our differences,” but here’s what Bernie went with:

“I am very strongly in favor of mobilizing the American people to stand up for economic justice and social justice and racial and environmental justice, and I think we have to mobilize people,” replied Sanders.

In other words, yes, Bernie Sanders thinks it’s great that leftist lunatics are going ape-shit on Republicans. As long as liberals are “mobilizing” for what they think is justice, nothing they do is too extreme.

Tapper also asked Sanders if he thought Michelle Obama’s line of “when they go low, we go high” was a better mantra than Eric Holder’s “when they go low, we kick them” approach. He again tap-danced around the answer.

“I don’t think it’s a question of going high or going low; it’s a question of telling the truth. And the truth is that you have a president who lies all of the time, a pathological liar. I don’t think the American people want that,” said Sanders.

Putting this into the proper context, Sanders is saying that it’s fine for leftists to attack Republicans because they don’t like or believe what President Trump is saying. Also, Sanders appears to be under the impression that radical leftist lunatics are the “American people,” which they most certainly are not.

From there, Sanders went on a rant about how Republicans in Congress won’t embrace his whacko brand of socialism or buy into the man-made global warming myth, which brought him back to attacking them:

“So what I think we have to do is be aggressive in telling the truth,” Sanders said.

Are you shitting me? Since when does the truth require aggression to convey? When people violently force their beliefs on others, they are not selling anything close to the truth.

“Telling the truth” is now the left’s euphemism for shooting Republicans on baseball fields, attacking Senators in restaurants, and swarming conservatives with angry mobs. Nobody rebrands bullshit like liberals. If “violent mobs and death threats” sounds too harsh, simply change it to “telling the truth” and it makes despicable behavior seem okay.