Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Thank God it’s FRIDAY!

Shocking and Dehumanizing Discrimination Against the Unvaccinated Is About to Make Life VERY Difficult

Via The Organic Prepper

All over the world, the hot-button subject of the moment is the Covid vaccination. Many governments discuss making it mandatory, a terrifying concept for people who believe that the vaccine is unsafe. But perhaps even more appalling are the shocking things that people are saying about those who are unvaccinated.

This article isn’t about whether the vaccine is safe or not. I’m not urging anyone to get the vaccine, nor am I urging anyone to avoid it. I believe that my health decisions are my choice, and yours are your choice.

I hope that when you read these comments, whatever side of the debate you are on, you stop and think about your humanity. If this were done to any other group of people, it would be considered hate speech. Because the mainstream media and the narrative are tightly controlled right now, this isn’t just thought of as acceptable but a signal of superior virtue.

The danger of “othering”

We already talked about how people would be “encouraged” to get the vaccine through a loss of liberty “privileges.” By now, those eager to get the vaccine have done so. Also, those with valid reasons (like loss of income) have also gotten the jab. Therefore, holdouts who remain adamant they won’t get the vaccine are now being exposed to a whole new level of “encouragement” via extreme social pressure.

A phenomenon called “othering” is used in both the violence dynamics world and in brainwashing. Othering is when a person determines that another person is unworthy, threatening, or all-around inadequate and hardly even the same species.

Othering is a process whereby a group of people is made to seem fundamentally different, even to the point of making that group seem less than human. This process can trigger instinctive emotional reactions towards members of that group. In many instances, othering has been used to degrade, isolate, and render possible a group’s discrimination, abuse, or persecution. (source)

Those who don’t learn from history…

It has happened many times in history: when human beings were used as slaves and property, when human beings were the subject of horrific experiments when the media and people in power deliberately manipulated human beings to believe that other humans weren’t like them, and therefore, it was permissible to mistreat or abuse them.

As the saying goes, those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And repeat it, they are. I think, regardless of our stance, we can all agree that fervently wishing for bad things to happen to those who believe differently and dehumanizing them for their beliefs is pretty awful.

People have come out with appalling suggestions for those who aren’t vaccinated.

Don Lemon of CNN believes the unvaccinated should not be allowed to buy food or work. Does this mean he believes that they should starve to death?

If you had any doubt, Lemon also thinks people who are unvaccinated are idiots.

“How many people have to die,” Lemon asked, saying “if behavior is idiotic and nonsensical, I think that you need to tell people that their behavior is idiotic and nonsensical.” (source)

CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner says that unvaccinated people shouldn’t go to bars and restaurants. A doctor pondered the ethics of whether he could refuse to see unvaccinated patients in The New York Times.

It’s becoming popular to blame the unvaccinated for all future cases of Covid

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s Big Kahuna of Covid, blames those not vaccinated for a new spike in cases.

“We have 100 million people in this country … who are eligible to be vaccinated, who are not vaccinated,” Fauci said in an interview with “Face the Nation.” “We’ve really got to get those people to change their minds, make it easy for them, convince them, do something to get them to be vaccinated because they are the ones that are propagating this outbreak.” (source)

Columnist Leana Wen of Washington Post believes the unvaccinated are dishonorable. Wen called upon the CDC to mandate masks for everyone because of it.

We need a return to indoor mask mandates not because the vaccinated are suddenly a problem, but because we don’t trust the unvaccinated to do the right thing voluntarily. It’s not a commentary about the effectiveness of the vaccine or even the trickiness of the delta variant, but rather about the failure of unvaccinated Americans to fulfill their societal obligation to act in the interest of everyone’s health.

When the CDC issued its mask guidance two months ago, it got the science right but got the policy and communication wrong. And it has happened again. The Biden administration should clarify that the backsliding of the United States’ pandemic progress necessitated the return of indoor masking. This has happened because of those who choose to remain unvaccinated, and the vaccinated are now paying the price. (source)

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey wants everyone to blame the unvaccinated for any cases of Covid that happen to occur.

“Folks are supposed to have common sense. But it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down,” Ivey told reporters in Birmingham. (source)

That’ll really be helpful if someone unhinged loses a loved one to Covid and decides to seek vengeance on some “unvaccinated folk.” After all, the governor said it was their fault.

How far should “blame” be allowed to go? MORE.

2021 Is 1984 – Our Liberties And Freedoms Are Being Ripped Away From Us And America Is Almost Gone

Via Zero Hedge

f only George Orwell could see what we have become.  Today I am writing this article in the midst of a deep state of sadness.  I have to admit, I haven’t been this sad in a very long time.  In fact, I don’t even know if I am going to be able to complete this article.  What they are doing to this country that I love is really starting to get to me emotionally.  America is supposed to be a beacon of liberty and freedom for the entire world, but now we are on the cutting edge of the global trend toward authoritarianism.  I know that a lot of people have been leaving the United States in recent years in an attempt to escape the madness, but at this point we see authoritarianism on the rise just about everywhere.  Just look at New Zealand.  Just look at Australia.  Just look at the Philippines.  At one time people were fleeing to those countries, but now they have become some of the most authoritarian regimes of all.

I feel so frustrated because I feel like I have been banging my head against a brick wall.  Over the past decade, I have written countless articles warning that we were losing our liberties and our freedoms, and very large numbers of people all over the globe read those articles.

But did they do any good?

Here are just a few examples of what I am talking about…

“Thoughts On The ‘New Normal’ And The Things That We Are Losing As A Society…”

“Without Freedom Of Speech, What Is Going To Happen To America?”

“Less Government. More Freedom.”

“The Police State Is Coming For ‘Religious Extremists’, ‘Evangelical Christians’, ‘Pro-Life’ Activists And ‘Libertarians’”

“12 Signs That Americans Who Love Liberty And Freedom Should Watch Their Backs”

I warned that this day was coming, and now it is here.

For a while, they were content to whittle away our liberties and freedoms on the periphery, but now we are facing a full-fledged frontal assault on our most basic liberties and freedoms.

And what makes it even more frightening is the fact that millions of completely brain-washed Americans are cheering them on as they do it.

If our founders could see us today, they would be absolutely horrified at what we have become.

Because I am often so critical of what has happened to us, a lot of people out there assume that I must hate this country.

But of course that is not true at all.  I deeply love America.  I deeply love our history, I deeply love our traditions, and I deeply love the values that this nation is supposed to represent.

That is why it deeply grieves me that these things are now being ripped away from us.

We are the generation that is witnessing the end of America. MORE.

Fact-Check: Was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Father a Nazi?

Via The International Herald Tribune

Arnold Schwarzenegger recently lashed out at people who refused to follow federal COVID-19 guidelines, including anti-maskers, telling them to “screw your freedom.”

Schwarzenegger made the comments in a video interview with CNN journalist Bianna Golodryga and former National Security Council staffer Alexander Vindman, who was promoting his new book.

Shortly after the 74-year-old actor made the remarks, alt-right political activist and senior editor at the conservative publication Human Events Jack Posobiec shared a link on Twitter claiming Schwarzenegger’s father was a Nazi.

“Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father was a member of Hitler’s Brownshirts and served as a 1st Sgt in the Wehrmacht,” Posobiec tweeted. The post garnered more than 3,500 retweets and 7,500 likes on the platform.

Journalists Jordan Schachtel and Luke Rudkowski also alluded to Posobiec’s claims on Twitter. “People with family ties to actual Nazis should think more before they speak,” Schachtel wrote, while Rudkowski tweeted, “Arnold Schwarzenegger the son of a Nazi Sergeant and someone with way too many ties to other literally German WWII Nazi’s is telling everyone ‘screw your freedom.'”

Who was Gustav Schwarzenegger?

We can confirm that Posobiec’s claim is true. Arnold’s father Gustav Schwarzenegger, was in fact, a Nazi. He voluntarily joined the Austrian Nazi Party in 1938 and went on to fight in World War II.

Gustav is believed to have served in Poland, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Russia, where he was wounded and was even awarded the Iron Cross. He left the Wehrmacht in 1944, and was appointed as a postal inspector in Graz, Austria before resuming his police career three years later. Gustav married Aurelia ‘Reli’ Jadrny, who was a war widow and the couple shared two children together – Meinhard and Arnold.

Gustav passed away in 1972 at the age of 65 due to a stroke. However, his Nazi links first surfaced in 1990, when Arnold asked the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish civil rights organization based in Los Angeles, to investigate into his father’s role in World War II.

The two-month-long investigation found that Gustav voluntary applied to become a member of the Nazi party in 1938. However, there was no evidence of him being a war criminal or being a part of any of Germany’s notorious paramilitary units, such as the Sturmabteilungen (SA) or the Schutzstaffel (SS), which were populated by some of Adolf Hitler’s most ardent supporters.

This was until 2003, when the Los Angeles Times conducted an investigation ahead of Arnold’s run for governor and found documents in the Austrian State Archives in Vienna showing Gustav was more heavily involved in Hitler’s regime than previously thought. MORE.

The American Racism Rush and the San Francisco 49ers are trampling traditional values and the new indigenous people

By Jason Whitlock/The Blaze

We are living in the American Racism Rush, in which citizens-turned-prospectors are getting rich mining for racism. It is analogous to and connected with the California Gold Rush.

In January 1848, a sawmill operator, James Marshall, discovered gold 35 miles east of Sacramento. Marshall’s discovery ignited a gold rush and a transformational migration to the Golden State. In 1849, approximately 90,000 men descended on Northern California in search of riches. The migration turned California from an ignored, sleepy territory to a boom state almost overnight. Two years after Marshall’s discovery, California was admitted into the Union.

The 49ers, the nickname for the men who rushed to California, were lawless, greedy, and uncivilized. They overwhelmed Native Americans, running the indigenous people out of their hunting and fishing grounds. The Indians starved. Or they were massacred by the guns used by the 49ers.

The influx of men seeking gold created another California complication — a shortage of women. Boatloads of men docked in the Bay Area and settled in San Francisco. With few women in town, cross-dressing and gay sex became quite popular in San Francisco. Thus began the rule of greed and sexual deviancy in Northern California, 170 years ago.

The people who acquired the most wealth and power during the gold rush weren’t the miners. The men who built businesses to exploit the miners amassed generational wealth. A man named Sam Brannan became California’s first millionaire. At an exorbitant markup, he sold prospectors the equipment they needed to mine gold. Levi Strauss moved to San Francisco to sell dry goods to miners and later sold them work pants and overalls. George Hearst, the father of publishing kingpin William Randolph Hearst, got rich during the gold rush.

Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg are the modern-day Sam Brannan and Levi Strauss. The Silicon Valley tech titans own the platforms that promote, traffic, and sell racism gold. They’ve become powerful billionaires because of the American Racism Rush.

Their platforms celebrate, advocate for, and spread the values established in Northern California in 1849. MORE.

Be sure to stop by at Def-Con News to get the morning started off right.