Kamala Harris Bursts Into Laughter When Asked About Americans Stranded In Afghanistan

Everything is funny to Kamala Harris but what she doesn’t realize is that she’s the butt of the joke. Once again, Kacklin’ Kamlatoe burst into laughter at an inappropriate time. The illegitimate vp busted up when a reporter asked her about Americans stranded in Afghanistan thanks to Joe Biden’s incompetence.

Harris was taken out of exile after her disastrous Central America trip and sent to Asia. If the string-pullers at the White House were hoping she had learned her lesson and wouldn’t embarrass the country, they were sadly disappointed:

A reporter started to ask Harris about the Americans stranded in Afghanistan when she interrupted with a bust of laughter.

“Hold on, hold on, hold everybody,” said Harris with even more laughter.

It should be noted that only one reporter asked a question but Harris acted like she was being overwhelmed with questions. Part of being phony is creating an alternate reality around yourself.

Also, what’s so f*cking funny about Joe Biden stranding Americans in Afghanistan? Nobody asked that question and Harris wasn’t about to offer an explanation on her own.

Like a true manic depressive, Harris switched off the hilarity and put on her serious face.

“I want to talk about two things, first Afghanistan. We couldn’t have a higher priority right now and in particular our priority is making sure that we safely evacuate American citizens, Afghans who work with us, Afghans at risk, including women and children and that is one of our highest, if not the highest priority right now,” said Harris.

One of the reasons Harris breaks into laughter at inappropriate times is an attempt to mask when she’s being full of shit and this a great example of that. In the same sentence she says that evacuating Americans is the highest priority and then finishes by saying it’s one of the highest. It can’t be both of those things.

It’s also a lie because she and Joe have been completely AWOL since Biden created the catastrophe in Afghanistan. If evacuating Americans was any kind of priority at all, it would have been done before the Taliban took over the country.

While we’re on the subject, if at-risk women and children were a priority of the Biden Administration, maybe they shouldn’t have handed the country over to the Taliban because those crazy f*ckers are going to rape and kill every single woman and child in Afghanistan. Is it weird that Joe and The Toe never considered this before pulling off the biggest foreign policy blunder in several generations?

In early June, Kamala Harris went to Central America to “fix” the border crisis Joe created. Far from solving anything, all she really did was embarrass herself, the administration, and the country. Since then, the shot-callers have put her on ice to keep her from further embarrassing herself. This trip to Asia was supposed to be Harris’ redemption tour but she’s already f*cked it up, laughing at Americans trapped in Afghanistan.

I’m sure there was hope that Harris could get through the trip without a “Kamala” moment but she had one on the tarmac, moments after landing. Somebody just scored big in the office pool.