Biden Checks Watch During Dignified Transfer Of Fallen Marines

Biden didn’t care that his incompetence caused the death of 13 U.S. service members so why would he give a crap when their bodies were paraded in front of him? The illegitimate president demonstrated that he’s also an illegitimate human being as he checked his watch during the dignified transfer of 11 fallen Marines.

Due to Biden’s chaotic exit plan, a suicide bomber killed 13 U.S. soldiers at the Kabul airport last week. 11 of those who died were Marines. The Marines posted a shot of their fallen brothers as they were transferred back to America:

When the bodies arrived at Dover Air Force Base, Joe Biden was there waiting, but he apparently didn’t have much time to show any respect:

Biden absolutely checked his watch, which is the international sign of boredom. With that gesture, Biden showed supreme disrespect to soldiers who died because of his mistakes.

He’s literally saying, “How long is this thing?”

Obviously this dignified transfer was cutting into Biden’s nap time, but he’s allegedly the President of the United States and should at least pretend like 11 dead Marines matters to him.

Not that there’s much chance the liberal media will report on this, but the White House is certainly preparing the spin, just in case. If Fox News’ Peter Doocy asks White House press secretary Jen Psaki about this, she will either say that Biden sustained a mosquito bite on his wrist and had to itch it or that he was casting his eyes downward in reverence and his stupid watch got on the way.

There was some outrage over this, just not from the liberal media:

One person who won’t remember this is Joe Biden. In fact, he can’t even recall if he put on underwear that day. Also, the liberal media will memory-hole this thing because they are under strict orders to cover up what a shit person Biden really is.

If this had been Trump, there wouldn’t be enough fainting couches to catch the hyperventilating pearl-clutching liberal media. The thing is, it was Biden so it’s like it never happened.