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Constitution Day 2021: It’s Time to Make America Free Again

By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn’t even an enemy you could put your finger on.”—Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale

The Constitution of the United States represents the classic solution to one of humankind’s greatest political problems: that is, how does a small group of states combine into a strong union without the states losing their individual powers and surrendering their control over local affairs?

The fifty-five delegates who convened in Philadelphia during the sweltering summer of 1787 answered this question with a document that called for a federal plan of government, a system of separation of powers with checks and balances, and a procedure for orderly change to meet the needs and exigencies of future generations.

In an ultimate sense, the Constitution confirmed the proposition that original power resided in the people—not, however, in the people as a whole but in their capacity as people of the several states. To bring forth the requisite union, the people through the states would transfer some of their powers to the new federal government. All powers not reserved by the people in explicit state constitutional limitations remained in the state governments.

Although the Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787, the fear of the new federal government was so strong that a “bill of rights” was demanded and became an eventuality.

Intended to protect the citizenry’s fundamental rights or “first liberties” against usurpation by the newly created federal government, the Bill of Rights—the first ten amendments of the Constitution—is essentially a list of immunities from interference by the federal government.

Unfortunately, although the Bill of Rights was adopted as a means of protecting the people against government tyranny, in America today, the government does whatever it wants, freedom be damned.

“We the people” have been terrorized, traumatized, and tricked into a semi-permanent state of compliance by a government that cares nothing for our lives or our liberties.

The bogeyman’s names and faces have changed over time (terrorism, the war on drugs, illegal immigration, a viral pandemic, and more to come), but the end result remains the same: in the so-called name of national security, the Constitution has been steadily chipped away at, undermined, eroded, whittled down, and generally discarded with the support of Congress, the White House, and the courts.

A recitation of the Bill of Rights—set against a backdrop of government surveillance, militarized police, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, eminent domain, overcriminalization, armed surveillance drones, whole body scanners, stop and frisk searches, vaccine mandates, travel lockdowns, and the like (all sanctioned by Congress, the White House, and the courts)—would understandably sound more like a eulogy to freedoms lost than an affirmation of rights we truly possess.

What we are left with today is but a shadow of the robust document adopted more than two centuries ago. Sadly, most of the damage has been inflicted upon the Bill of Rights.

Here is what it means to live under the Constitution, post-9/11 and in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic. MORE.



Left Revives Attempt To Build Mosque On Site Of Islamist 9/11 Atrocities

Via The Federalist

One of the strangest aspects of post-9/11 America has been the compulsion of so many to change the narrative about the attacks that took place 20 years ago. We were reminded of that again recently by a new Netflix documentary, “Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror.”

Along with what is by now a familiar litany of criticisms of the George W. Bush administration’s policies and its treatment of captured terrorists as well as its failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, the film also offered a one-sided view of a controversy that had little to do with actual events of 9/11 and everything about efforts to influence the way Americans should think about it and themselves.

In treating opposition to the failed effort to build a Muslim community center and mosque in the shadow of the fallen twin towers of the World Trade Center as representative of what it considers to be a pervasive anti-Muslim prejudice, Netflix has essentially lent its considerable influence to an effort to reshape the 9/11 narrative from one about Islamist terror to one about American racism. This effort was lent further credence by the Anti-Defamation League’s decision to commemorate the assault on America by revisiting the organization’s decision to oppose what came to be known as the “Ground Zero mosque.”

Bush and the rest of the government, as well as the U.S. media and entertainment industry, went to great lengths to point out that the conflict was only with the radicals who had attacked America rather than all Muslims. But almost immediately, a counter-narrative about 9/11 began to be put forward. In this reading, the real story wasn’t about those who committed the atrocities and their goals. Instead, for some, the most important thing about 9/11 was that it gave birth to a surge of Islamophobia.

Though there was little evidence to support it, a myth that there was a post-9/11 backlash against Muslims in America was embraced by much of the mainstream media and others who purported to advocate for civil rights. Among the leaders of this effort was the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group that had its origins as a front to raise funds for Hamas terrorists in the United States but masquerades as a civil rights advocacy organization.

It was in this context that in 2010 an effort was made to build a mosque on the site of one of the buildings that had been struck by debris falling from the collapsed World Trade Center buildings. While none except a few extremists disputed the right of any religious group to build a house of worship or community center where it wanted to, the idea of converting that specific site into a large Islamic facility outraged families of the victims and much of the public.

Abe Foxman, then the director of the Anti-Defamation League, took a stand opposing the building of the Ground Zero mosque, labeling it as an insensitive gesture that would do more to inflame religious conflict than, as its promoters disingenuously claimed, to heal the city.

Nevertheless, leftist opinion backed the project, and those who said it was inappropriate, such as former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and scholar Daniel Pipes, were denounced as Islamophobic, a theme that is taken up by the Netflix documentary, which represents the effort to build the facility as an exercise in idealism that was cruelly snuffed out by bigots. Nevertheless, the plan for the Islamic center failed to materialize and, up until now, it was just a divisive footnote to the 9/11 story.

But on the 20th anniversary of the attacks, the mosque is back in the news due to an op-ed by Jonathan Greenblatt, Foxman’s successor at the ADL, in which he apologized for his organization’s opposition to the mosque. The former Clinton and Obama administration operative — who has transformed the ADL from a liberal-leaning opponent of anti-Semitism into a partisan front group for Democrats — not only recycled the anti-Muslim backlash myth but also the disingenuous claim that the Trump administration’s ban on immigration from five Muslim-majority nations that were terrorist hotbeds administration was a “Muslim ban.” MORE.

It’s Now Almost Impossible To Get Arrested For Drugs In Washington State

Via The Daily Wire

Drugs are still illegal in Washington state, but you would be forgiven for thinking otherwise in 2021.

As of this year, it’s almost impossible to get arrested for drug possession in Washington thanks to the state’s new drug law, which one sheriff described as close to “unenforceable.”

Cops can no longer arrest someone for possession of drugs until the third time they catch them, something that has proven extremely difficult to track as drug overdoses tick up across the state.

The changes began in February when the Washington Supreme Court ruled that the state’s statute making drug possession a felony was unconstitutional, effectively decriminalizing drugs for several months.

In May, the state replaced the old law with a new statute making drug possession a misdemeanor only. Under the new law, the first two times that police officers catch someone with drugs, they must issue the person a warning and provide them with contact information for rehabilitation resources. On the third occasion, the individual can be arrested and charged — but no charge is still viewed as the preferred outcome. An exception is made if the amount of illegal substances is very large, suggesting a connection to drug trafficking, in which case police can make an arrest without two prior warnings. The law also has a “sunset clause,” meaning the state legislature has two years to come up with a more permanent solution.

Washington state lawmakers who supported the state Supreme Court’s decision to scrap the old drug law argued that the state needed a more compassionate approach to dealing with drug addicts. MORE.

Leftists Have Appointed Themselves As Our “Cultural Educators” – But They Have Nothing To Teach

By Brandon Smith/Alt-Market

It is often said that ignorance is the source of all evil, however, I find that the most destructive people in the world are not the most ignorant, but the most arrogant. Purely ignorant people are more likely to become victims, while arrogant people tend to have enough intelligence to knowingly absorb and regurgitate a particular dogma in a way that appeals to unsuspecting bystanders that were never given the tools to defend themselves. In other words, it’s malicious “educators” that promote incendiary collectivism, usually by preying on those that lack the armor of reason. Ignorance is encouraged by these supposed teachers as a marinade; it tenderizes their victims and makes them ready to absorb more and more cultism.

Their arrogance is the key to all of this because these folks are really just middlemen for an agenda that is ultimately designed to harm them. They see themselves as brilliant minds that cannot be denied; they think they are the prophets of our age. They do what they do because they have a bias or hatred of independent thought, or, they believe they are earning a seat at the table of power by evangelizing for totalitarianism. The reality is that the globalist establishment will throw the leftists away as soon as they have what they want. History shows us that the most devout messengers of totalitarian regimes are usually lined up against a wall and shot once the revolution is achieved, but their hubris blinds them to this inevitable outcome.

They generally fall into two categories – the young acolytes and the aging adherents, and the vast majority of them are leftists. Whenever I examine the dangers of leftists I inevitably get accusations that I am “perpetuating the false left/right paradigm”, but the people that make this argument don’t understand what the left/right paradigm is.

At the top of any government pyramid you will find that the politicians may claim to represent different parties or ideologies but when it comes to their policies these leaders are all the same. Their vested interests are in maintaining power for themselves and the globalists that line their pockets. This is not to say all politicians are frauds, just most of them, and the higher up you go in government the more frauds you will find.

The opposite is true in terms of the bottom of the pyramid among regular citizens – There is no “false paradigm” for the masses – The leftists are truly ideologically obsessed in their collectivism and communism, and conservatives and constitutionalists truly embrace personal freedom and civil liberties. The divide is not fake, it is very real. There are people who want to control others and there are people that want to be left alone, and the political left is staunchly on the side of control.

Leftists are the ONLY people supporting draconian lockdowns, business closures, mask mandates, vaccine passports and forced vaccinations, mass censorship and the silencing of anyone that disagrees with their twisted worldview. They ignore all science to the contrary of their positions and seek to exploit every possible crisis to gain power through people’s irrational fears. They are also the only group that is receiving unmitigated support from governments, corporations and globalist foundations. The very people they say are “evil capitalists” are the same people that make their movement possible. MORE.

Woman Attending Ultra-Exclusive Gala For The Elite In Expensive Designer Dress Lectures Nation On Inequality

Via The Babylon Bee

NEW YORK, NY—A rich, politically powerful woman, extremely privileged in her upbringing and current societal status, attended an ultra-exclusive gala for the elite today in an expensive designer dress, sources confirmed.

The woman attended the $30,000 event in order to wear a message on the designer dress that 99.9999% of women through all of human history could only dream of ever affording. That message was that inequality is a real problem and that we need to tax the rich more. “She is simply stunning her in her beautiful Tax the Rich dress,” said one entertainment reporter. “What a powerful message for all of us poors.”

At publishing time, the woman had momentarily considered that maybe she is actually part of the wealthy bourgeoisie and not an oppressed minority, but she quickly brushed the disturbing thought aside.

Check out all the Bee’s takes on a world gone mad HERE.

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