White Privileged Gavin Newsom Says Voting For Him Is A Vote For Diversity

Today is recall election day in California. White privileged democrat Gavin Newsom is fighting to keep his job from top GOP contender Larry Elder, who is black. According to Newsom, a vote for him is a vote for diversity while a vote for Elder is a blow against black people. Sadly, liberals will buy this line of bullshit because it ain’t about equity with them, just power.

Newsom held a sparsely attended event in Long Beach, California on Monday with the Corpse-in-Chief Joe Biden. The California governor was rambling on about how diverse the state is when he said this:

“I want you all to know, that that issue, the issue of diversity, of pluralism, the issue that defines so much of our politics, that issue is on the ballot tomorrow night. Racial justice is on the ballot tomorrow night,” said Newsom.

Since Newsom wants people to vote for him, this means he is saying voting for the white privileged guy from wine country is a vote for diversity, while voting for Larry Elder, a poor black guy from South Central is a strike against racial justice.

Newsom further said that voting for his white ass will make California a, “minority majority state.” But just don’t think that the minority majority should be represented by an actual minority, because Newsom is their white savior.

Newsom then hit the bottom of the barrel by lying that Larry Elder, who again is black, is pro-slavery.

Here’s a fun fact: for all of California’s liberal wackoism and progressive garbageism, the state has never had a black or female Governor. Just a bunch of “diverse” white guys like Gavin Newsom.

Newsom kept his bullshit train rolling when he introduced Joe Biden claiming he is, “someone of character and honor, of decency.”

Yeah, if you don’t count all of that plagiarism, lying, corruption, finger pointing, and sexual assault, I guess Biden is a pretty decent guy.

For his part, Biden wasn’t doing Newsom the favor he thought he was:

“Folks, I could go on but here’s the deal, I’m going to make this as simple as I can, you either keep Gavin Newsom as your governor or you’ll get Donald Trump. It’s not a joke,” said Biden.

Shit, that sounds pretty good to me. It’s unclear if Biden was making an analogy or if he really thinks Donald Trump is running against Newsom. I’m going with the second thing given Biden’s advanced oatmeal-for-brains condition.

Last month the polls had it 50/50 on the recall and then miraculously they now say Newsom will win the election by a landslide. I wonder how that happened.

Yesterday and this morning the local LA news stations were all proclaiming Newsom the winner in an attempt to discourage any Republicans or independents from voting today. I think this means the democrats are nervous.

In any case, I’m not discouraged and, right after I post this, I’m going to go vote for diversity in Larry Elder and reject Gavin Newsom’s rich white elitist ass.