Great News! Joe Has Put Dr. Jill In Charge Of Uniting The Country

One of Joe Biden’s many campaign slogans was “Fighting for the Soul of America” and what he meant by that was that he was going unite the country. Of course he said he was going to do this in-between shouting matches with conservatives where he called half the country “ugly chumps.” It seems illegitimate president Biden has a lot on his plate and doesn’t have time to unite the country so he’s passed this off to his insipid wife Dr. Jill.

Joe Biden has put illegitimate vice president Kamala Harris in charge of things like the border crisis, voting rights, vaccine hesitancy, and Space Force but so far she hasn’t done shit. Clearly Joe is incapable of fixing anything, especially the problems he has created, and since Kamaltoe is useless, he’s decided to give his dippy wife a shot.

As The New York Times reports, Jill will be taking the reigns on uniting the country:

Eight months into Mr. Biden’s presidency, both husband and wife are finding that winning the “battle for the soul of the nation” is perhaps his most elusive campaign promise. In Washington, an outrage-driven approach to politics has replaced Mr. Biden’s rose-colored belief that bipartisan deal making can be an art form. As he tries to prove that this is still possible, his wife is not a bystander.

“Most elusive campaign promise” implies that Biden has fulfilled all or some of his other campaign promises, which he hasn’t. He campaigned to “Build Back Better” but so far has only torn down shittier. He promise to beat COVID-19, which he has not. He promised a thriving economy, which hasn’t happened. He promised a sane immigration policy but there is nothing but chaos at the border. He promised diplomacy was back but all his detente did was hand Afghanistan over to terrorists. He promised to restore our alliances but France just recalled its ambassador because Biden screwed them over.

He’s even thankfully failed to do all the horrible stuff he promised to do like gun control, socialized medicine, and illegal alien amnesty.

The list goes on forever but the point is, Biden hasn’t delivered on one single campaign promise, so technically they are all equally as elusive.

While this NYT piece promises to deliver on the headline that Jill Biden is working to unite the country, this is the only thing in the article that even hints at it:

On Wednesday, she visited Wisconsin and Iowa on a day trip meant to promote the infrastructure deal. She climbed six sets of airplane stairs and participated in photo lines, a bit wobbly on her left foot from an injury over the summer.

“We can’t know what the future holds, but we know what we owe our children,” she told a crowd of parents and teachers at an elementary school in Milwaukee. “We owe them unity, so we can fight the virus, not each other.”

While that may be more than Joe or Kamala has done on anything, it’s still extremely underwhelming. Jill Biden is unite the country one elementary classroom at a time. Not to complete shit all over this, but there is zero evidence that Dr. Jill actually united anyone in that Milwaukee classroom. She just said the word “unity” and then flew home.

A recent poll shows that 54% of Americans think the country is less united under Joe Biden. Keep in mind that before Biden there was Donald Trump, the height of the pandemic, and the George Floyd race riots and yet Americans now think the country is more divided with Joe in the White House.

America is divided because of Joe. He can’t unf*ck the things he has f*cked so what makes him think his wife can do it? Because she’s a community college English professor?