Biden 2020: Poking Minorities And Breaking Up Marriages

All of the democratic party candidates have made hundreds, if not thousands, of campaign stops and none of them have been noteworthy with the exception of Joe Biden. The man the liberal media insists will defeat President Trump in November cannot go even one day without embarrassing himself and giving people reasons not to vote for him. His two latest have him angrily poking a black man in the chest and doing his best to break up a marriage. Oh, plus there are “af-turds.” What are “af-turds?” Read on to find out.

Last week a man asked Biden about global warming and crazy Joe accused him of being a Bernie Sanders supporter, told him to vote for someone else, and poked the guy in the chest. Apparently if you ask Biden about global warming, you’re getting poked in the chest. Check this out:

As you can see, Biden is poking a black man in the chest, which could be interpreted as racism, but Joe’s a democrat and he knows a black dude, so it’s okay. But then gain, it’s not okay because you don’t go around poking people in the chest regardless of their race. Why can’t this weirdo keep his hands to himself? If he poked me in the chest, I’d break his skeleton finger off and shove it up his nose.

What Biden said was almost as bad as his complete lack of respect for personal space.

“Go back. 1986. I’m the first one ever to first one ever to put forward a climate bill and Politifact said it was a game changer. I’ve been working my whole life,” said Biden.

This is Biden claiming that in 1986, decades before Al Gore invented global warming, he introduced a global warming bill that he bragged “changed the game” meaning it stopped global warming. He then implied he’s been fighting global warming his whole life, which he believes started in 1986. Politifact may want to take another stab at fact-checking Biden’s claim.

In another campaign stop, here’s Crazy Joe showing off his marriage counseling skills:

“My wife recently left me. She’s divorcing me. What can I do to get her back? What advice would you give to someone like me to get her back?” asked a man.

“I’ll talk to you af-turds, okay? I’m pappy too, I promise” said Biden, not explaining what af-turds are.

Biden might have been trying to say “afterwards” but as his age, and with his declining mental capacity, he’s a two-syllable guy.

The man actually wanted Biden to give his marriage advice at the time and not later. Though the man was cordial, this apparently irritated old man Biden, who has an extremely short fuse.

“I’m starting to see why your wife left you,” said Biden.

The man should have shot back, “I’m starting to see why you will never be President of the United States.” What a dick.

Nevertheless, the man persisted.

“Come on, man! Sir, I promise I’ll spend time with you af-turds,” replied Joe.

Given his busy hands and creepy ways, getting some alone time with Biden “af-turds” sounds positively horrifying.

The man was obviously asking the wrong Biden about this. He should have asked Joe’s crack head son Hunter for marriage advice: date your brother’s widow, make a baby with a stripper, and then marry some random woman a few days after meeting her.

This is who Joe Biden is. This is how he interacts with the public. If it’s a woman or little girl, Creepy Joe is going to grope, fondle, and sniff hair. If it’s a man, Angry Joe is going to insult and chest-poke. Based on this, the liberal media has declared Biden is the most relatable candidate and therefore the most electable candidate.

Relatable to whom? Serial killers, Meth heads? The insane?