Democrats Control All Facets Of The U.S. Government But Pelosi Says It’s Republican’s Fault If There’s A Shutdown

If there isn’t a a short-term spending plan passed by Friday, the government will be shut down. There’s a democrat occupying the White House and democratic majorities in both the Senate and the House. Democrats control the government but according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, it will be the Republicans fault of the government shuts down.

The democrats are trying to get rid of the debt ceiling until after the midterm elections next year as part of their emergency spending plan to keep the government from shutting down. Republicans are saying “no way, give us a clean spending bill.” Unlike all the other crazy crap democrats have been passing through reconciliation, they need at least 10 Senate Republicans to come over to their side, which ain’t going to happen.

The most important thing to note here is that democrats refuse to move off their debt ceiling bullshit and if the government does indeed shut down, that’s why.

And yet, both Congressional leaders are blaming the Republicans for the potential shutdown:

“After today there will be no doubt about which party is working to solve the problems that face our country and which party is accelerating us toward unnecessary, avoidable disaster. Republicans will solidify themselves for a long time as the party of default,” said Chuck “Chuckles the Clown” Schumer.

It’s awesome how Pelosi not only blamed Republicans for her failed leadership but managed to drag Trump into this, even though he’s been out of office for 8 months.

Speaking of Trump, there was a government shutdown under him in 2018 and this is who Pelosi blamed back then:

So if a party controls the White House, House, and Senate and there’s a government shutdown, that party owns it? Hey, those are Pelosi’s rules and as was already pointed out, democrats currently control the White House, House, and Senate.

Doesn’t that mean Pelosi has to blame democrats if there’s a shutdown on Friday? Conventional wisdom says so but there’s nothing conventional about Nutty Nancy. Also, democrats have hard carve-outs in all of their rules stipulating they don’t apply to them. It’s the world famous liberal double-standard that excuses all of their bullshit and hypocrisy.

Personally, I don’t give a shit if the government shuts down. 85% of the federal government is completely unnecessary and wasteful. Every time the government has shut down in the past decade, I haven’t missed it one bit.

In 2004 a film called A Day Without a Mexican came out, which asked people to imagine what it would be like if all non-English speaking illegal aliens suddenly disappeared. It was supposed to show how reliant we are on Mexicans but it backfired because most people were like, “F*ck yeah, that’s how it should be.” The same thing happens when the government shuts down: Most people don’t care.