Terry McAuliffe’s Bold Campaign Strategy: Tell Virginia Voters They Are Stupid

Today is an awesome day for Terry McAuliffe news. We’ve already covered how the democrat Virginia governor hopeful has Kamala Harris breaking federal law to campaign for him and his ties to a fake tranny rape cover-up and now there’s this. While trying to save his sinking campaign, he stood there as a surrogate told Virginia voters they are stupid. That’s a bold strategy, let’s see how it pays off.

In this video from a campaign stop, you can see McAuliffe standing like a dope while some kind of ambiguous he/she thing insults the voters of Virginia. The sign in the window says “Nancy Guy” who is a Virginia state legislator. How funny is it that a person who you can’t tell if it’s a man or a woman has the name Nancy Guy?

In any case:

“You gotta inform people. The only cure for stupid is education, so get out there and help people understand what’s at stake in this election,” said Guy.

So if Virginia voters don’t buy into McAuliffe’s radical agenda, they’re stupid? Hillary Clinton couldn’t have said it any better. This is “Basket of Deplorables” revisited. It’s actually worse because McAuliffe’s campaign is telling voters to their faces that they’re all stupid.

Hillary blew an election where she had a double-digit lead in the polls because she insulted half the country by calling them ignorant racists. McAuliffe is in a super-tight race for Governor against Republican Glenn Youngkin. If Hillary f*cked up a comfortable lead with “Deplorables” McAuliffe’s message that all Virginia voters are simpletons can’t be good.

The thing is, all democrats believe this. They think voters are idiots and in fact count on it. The last thing they want is intelligent well-informed voters because they’d never win a single election. The dumber the better.

They however don’t usually say out loud that think the people are stupid because even dumbasses don’t like to be told they are morons. Look at AOC for example.

Democrats are freaking out over next month’s Virginia governors election because Joe Biden won the state by 10 points. It’s a comfortably blue state that is danger of having a Republican governor and that will reflect very badly on Biden’s agenda. It’s essentially a preview of the ass-whooping democrats are going take in the mid-terms when they lose the House and the Senate.

That’s why the democrats are busting out the big guns to try to save McAuliffe’s floundering campaign:

Hey, look at that. A bunch of non-Virginians telling Virginians they’re idiots if they don’t vote for McAuliffe. That should go over about as well as the she-man telling them they’re stupid.